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(Canonsburg, PA)— Nearly eighty percent of Americans believe in miracles, the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life reports.
“I know miracles are real,” says David Beato, a devout Christian and author of the new memoir The Power of Prayer, Endurance and Truth. “I have witnessed many miracles myself, including my infant son’s incredible recovery from a life-threatening illness.”
Mr. Beato’s book describes how miracles and faith have shaped his life, from his difficult childhood in Italy during World War II to his struggle to make it as a successful businessman in America. Along the way, Mr. Beato faced many monumental tests of his faith, including the death of his beloved son, professional setbacks and deceptive family members who tried to ruin him.
The people surveyed by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life seemed to agree with Mr. Beato that most miracles involve a supernatural healing of an illness or injury.
Established in 2001 and headquartered in Washington, DC, the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life releases an annual survey on religious beliefs in America. Here are some facts discovered by the survey in recent years:
• Ninety-two percent of Americans believe in God or a higher power.
• More than fifty percent of Americans pray at least once a day.
• Twenty-one percent of those who consider themselves atheists believe in a universal spirit.
• Seventy percent of people with religious affiliation believe that many religions can lead to eternal salvation.
“There is no doubt in my mind that people can experience and witness miracles every day if they are willing to keep their hearts and minds open to possibilities,” says Mr. Beato.

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