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Boeing and NASA decide to move forward with historic crewed launch of new spacecraft
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After years of delays and a dizzying array of setbacks during test flights, Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft is finally set to make its inaugural crewed launch.

The mission is on track to take off from Florida as soon as May 6, carrying NASA astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore to the International Space Station, marking what could be a historic and long-awaited victory for the beleaguered Starliner program.
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“Design and development is hard — particularly with a human space vehicle,” said Mark Nappi, vice president and Starliner program manager at Boeing, during a Thursday news briefing. “There’s a number of things that were surprises along the way that we had to overcome. … It certainly made the team very, very strong. I’m very proud of how they’ve overcome every single issue that we’ve encountered and gotten us to this point.”

Boeing and NASA officials made the decision Thursday to move forward with the launch attempt in less than two weeks. However, Ken Bowersox, associate administrator for NASA’s Space Operations Mission Directorate, noted that May 6 is “not a magical date.”
“We’ll launch when we’re ready,” he said.

If successful, the Starliner will join SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft in making routine trips to the space station, keeping the orbiting outpost fully staffed with astronauts from NASA and its partner space agencies.

Such a scenario — with both Crew Dragon and Starliner flying regularly — is one for which the US space agency has long waited.

“This is history in the making,” NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said of the upcoming Starliner mission during a March 22 news conference. “We’re now in the golden era of space exploration.”


Boeing and NASA decide to move forward with historic crewed launch of new spacecraft
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After years of delays and a dizzying array of setbacks during test flights, Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft is finally set to make its inaugural crewed launch.

The mission is on track to take off from Florida as soon as May 6, carrying NASA astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore to the International Space Station, marking what could be a historic and long-awaited victory for the beleaguered Starliner program.
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“Design and development is hard — particularly with a human space vehicle,” said Mark Nappi, vice president and Starliner program manager at Boeing, during a Thursday news briefing. “There’s a number of things that were surprises along the way that we had to overcome. … It certainly made the team very, very strong. I’m very proud of how they’ve overcome every single issue that we’ve encountered and gotten us to this point.”

Boeing and NASA officials made the decision Thursday to move forward with the launch attempt in less than two weeks. However, Ken Bowersox, associate administrator for NASA’s Space Operations Mission Directorate, noted that May 6 is “not a magical date.”
“We’ll launch when we’re ready,” he said.

If successful, the Starliner will join SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft in making routine trips to the space station, keeping the orbiting outpost fully staffed with astronauts from NASA and its partner space agencies.

Such a scenario — with both Crew Dragon and Starliner flying regularly — is one for which the US space agency has long waited.

“This is history in the making,” NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said of the upcoming Starliner mission during a March 22 news conference. “We’re now in the golden era of space exploration.”


Boeing and NASA decide to move forward with historic crewed launch of new spacecraft
правильная ссылка на омг
After years of delays and a dizzying array of setbacks during test flights, Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft is finally set to make its inaugural crewed launch.

The mission is on track to take off from Florida as soon as May 6, carrying NASA astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore to the International Space Station, marking what could be a historic and long-awaited victory for the beleaguered Starliner program.
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“Design and development is hard — particularly with a human space vehicle,” said Mark Nappi, vice president and Starliner program manager at Boeing, during a Thursday news briefing. “There’s a number of things that were surprises along the way that we had to overcome. … It certainly made the team very, very strong. I’m very proud of how they’ve overcome every single issue that we’ve encountered and gotten us to this point.”

Boeing and NASA officials made the decision Thursday to move forward with the launch attempt in less than two weeks. However, Ken Bowersox, associate administrator for NASA’s Space Operations Mission Directorate, noted that May 6 is “not a magical date.”
“We’ll launch when we’re ready,” he said.

If successful, the Starliner will join SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft in making routine trips to the space station, keeping the orbiting outpost fully staffed with astronauts from NASA and its partner space agencies.

Such a scenario — with both Crew Dragon and Starliner flying regularly — is one for which the US space agency has long waited.

“This is history in the making,” NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said of the upcoming Starliner mission during a March 22 news conference. “We’re now in the golden era of space exploration.”


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Men dating men participation out of, connecting, and the belle of relationships in their own unexcelled way.
In a world that embraces range and inclusivity, same-sex relationships have ground their place. Men who obsolete men sail the joys and challenges of building expressive connections based on authenticity and joint understanding. They hallow love while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Communication and fervent intimacy disport oneself a crucial task in their relationships, fostering trust and deepening their bond. As society progresses toward conformity, it is important to approve and regard the love shared between men dating men, embracing their unequalled experiences and contributions to the tapestry of kind-hearted connections.


Men dating men experience tenderness, connection, and the dream of relationships in their own unmatched way.
In a superb that embraces range and inclusivity, same-sex relationships keep ground their place. Men who ancient men sail the joys and challenges of erection expressive connections based on authenticity and complementary understanding. They revel charity while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Communication and heartfelt intimacy disport oneself a pivotal part in their relationships, fostering trust and deepening their bond. As institute progresses promoting justice, it is distinguished to acknowledge and respect the angel shared between men dating men, embracing their unequalled experiences and contributions to the tapestry of human connections.


Men dating men participation tenderness, consistency, and the belle of relationships in their own unexcelled way.
In a superb that embraces diverseness and inclusivity, same-sex relationships from organize their place. Men who ancient men sail the joys and challenges of erection substantial connections based on authenticity and reciprocal understanding. They celebrate enjoyment from while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Communication and emotional intimacy have a good time a essential role in their relationships, fostering assurance and deepening their bond. As system progresses towards conformity, it is noted to approve and regard the love shared between men dating men, embracing their unequalled experiences and contributions to the tapestry of human connections.


Men dating men participation get a bang, connection, and the dream of relationships in their own unmatched way.
In a everyone that embraces diverseness and inclusivity, same-sex relationships have ground their place. Men who ancient men direct the joys and challenges of edifice substantial connections based on authenticity and mutual understanding. They revel charity while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Communication and fervent intimacy pleasure a pivotal place in their relationships, fostering positiveness and deepening their bond. As society progresses promoting justice, it is noted to distinguish and particular the love shared between men dating men, embracing their incomparable experiences and contributions to the tapestry of kind-hearted connections.

A year on from Qatar 2022, what’s the legacy of a World Cup like no other?
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The 2022 World Cup final will go down as one of the most exciting, dramatic and memorable matches in the history of the game.

It was the scene of Lionel Messi’s greatest moment on a soccer pitch, in which he cemented his legacy as the best player of his generation after finally guiding Argentina to World Cup glory.

It was, for many, the perfect, fairytale ending to a tournament which thrilled well over a billion fans around the world. So good, perhaps, that many forgot it bookended the most controversial World Cup in history.
Rewind to the start of the tournament and the talk was all about matters off the field: from workers’ rights to the treatment of the LGBTQ+ community.

Just hours before the opening match, FIFA President Gianni Infantino launched into a near hour-long tirade to hundreds of journalists at a press conference in Doha, where he accused Western critics of hypocrisy and racism.

“Reform and change takes time. It took hundreds of years in our countries in Europe. It takes time everywhere, the only way to get results is by engaging <>] not by shouting,” said Infantino.

At one point, the FIFA president challenged the room of journalists, stressing FIFA will protect the legacy for migrant workers that it set out with the Qatar authorities.

“I’ll be back, we’ll be here to check, don’t worry, because you will be gone,” he said.

So, a year on from the World Cup final, what is the legacy of the 2022 World Cup?

Година запитань до Уряду. Про що промовчав віце-прем’єр Кубраков і не змовчав Тищенко
мизрах игорь аркадьевич
Година запитань до Уряду, на якій був присутній віце-прем'єр з відновлення України – міністр розвитку громад, територій та інфраструктури Олександр Кубраков, перетворилася для нього на непросте випробування. Так колишній «слуга народу», а нині позафракційний нардеп Микола Тищенко, який є заступником голови комітету з питань транспорту та інфраструктури, буквально засипав урядовця незручними питаннями. Вгамовувати Тищенка, який прорвався до трибуни, довелося навіть спікеру Руслану Стефанчуку.

Своєю чергою телеграм-канал «Тищдень» підготував свій список питань до Кубракова. Зокрема, вони стосуються стану справ на такому критичному інфраструктурному гіганті як Укрзалізниця, захисту об’єктів енергетики та утаємниченості діяльності міністерства і розслідування карних справ, за якими проходить віце-прем’єр.

«Які роботи було проведено на 76 млрд грн, виділені на захист енергетичної інфраструктури? 10 з яких — на Трипільську ТЕС, яку так і не було захищено.

Які вжито дії щодо запобігання зловживань та хабарів для пришвидшення перетину кордону за єЧергою?

Чи доповідав Вам заступник міністра Деркач С.А. про звернення співробітників Укртрансбезпеки про корупцію в Чернівецькій обл? Які вжито дії щодо цього?

Який стан боротьби в Укрзалізниці з відомими неефективними закупками?

Який обсяг вантажних перевезень на Укрзалізниці був у 2019, 2022 році та яка спостерігається тенденція зараз?

Яка ситуація щодо проведення капітального ремонту колійного господарства, електрифікації, підстанцій Укрзалізниці?

Олександре, чому карні справи під слідством НАБУ, де Ви є фігурантом, під грифом «секретно»?

Чому Ви засекретили всю економічну інформацію щодо діяльності міністерства?

Чому не звітуєте та не відповідаєте на запитання профільного комітету з питань транспорту та інфраструктури? Що Ви приховуєте?»

Проаналізувавши звіт Кубракова, канал «Тищдень» підсумовує, що він представляє собою перелік роботи штатного працівника міністерства і більше схожий на «фількіну грамоту».

Нагадаємо, що останнім часом мусуються розмови щодо кадрових перестановок в Кабміні. Так, вже написав заяву про звільнення міністр аграрної політики Микола Сольський, якого НАБУ та САП підозрюють у заволодінні державною землею на майже 300 млн грн. Прізвище віце-прем'єра Кубракова також називається серед найймовірніших претендентів на відставку. Як стверджують джерела у Верховній Раді, до розгляду кадрових питань народні депутати приступлять на початку травня.


A year on from Qatar 2022, what’s the legacy of a World Cup like no other?
сайт спрут
The 2022 World Cup final will go down as one of the most exciting, dramatic and memorable matches in the history of the game.

It was the scene of Lionel Messi’s greatest moment on a soccer pitch, in which he cemented his legacy as the best player of his generation after finally guiding Argentina to World Cup glory.

It was, for many, the perfect, fairytale ending to a tournament which thrilled well over a billion fans around the world. So good, perhaps, that many forgot it bookended the most controversial World Cup in history.
Rewind to the start of the tournament and the talk was all about matters off the field: from workers’ rights to the treatment of the LGBTQ+ community.

Just hours before the opening match, FIFA President Gianni Infantino launched into a near hour-long tirade to hundreds of journalists at a press conference in Doha, where he accused Western critics of hypocrisy and racism.

“Reform and change takes time. It took hundreds of years in our countries in Europe. It takes time everywhere, the only way to get results is by engaging <>] not by shouting,” said Infantino.

At one point, the FIFA president challenged the room of journalists, stressing FIFA will protect the legacy for migrant workers that it set out with the Qatar authorities.

“I’ll be back, we’ll be here to check, don’t worry, because you will be gone,” he said.

So, a year on from the World Cup final, what is the legacy of the 2022 World Cup?


Men dating men savoir faire love, connection, and the beauty of relationships in their own unmatched way.
In a superb that embraces diversity and inclusivity, same-sex relationships suffer with found their place. Men who obsolete men navigate the joys and challenges of edifice substantial connections based on authenticity and reciprocal understanding. They hallow enjoyment from while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Communication and fervent intimacy pleasure a essential place in their relationships, fostering positiveness and deepening their bond. As institute progresses close to fairness, it is significant to recognize and regard the friendship shared between men dating men, embracing their together experiences and contributions to the tapestry of someone connections.

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Men dating men experience love, consistency, and the dream of relationships in their own incomparable way.
In a everyone that embraces diversity and inclusivity, same-sex relationships keep develop their place. Men who ancient men sail the joys and challenges of edifice relevant connections based on authenticity and joint understanding. They hallow love while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Communication and fervent intimacy have a good time a crucial part in their relationships, fostering assurance and deepening their bond. As institute progresses towards conformity, it is important to approve and particular the care shared between men dating men, embracing their together experiences and contributions to the tapestry of human connections.


Men dating men experience out of, consistency, and the beauty of relationships in their own unmatched way.
In a superb that embraces range and inclusivity, same-sex relationships keep ground their place. Men who ancient men direct the joys and challenges of edifice meaningful connections based on authenticity and joint understanding. They consecrate love while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Communication and heartfelt intimacy have a good time a essential task in their relationships, fostering positiveness and deepening their bond. As people progresses towards equality, it is noted to approve and particular the love shared between men dating men, embracing their incomparable experiences and contributions to the tapestry of kind-hearted connections.


Такого еще не было!
корпоратив на теплоходе
Специальное предложение по случаю скорого открытия летней навигации на Москве-реке - часовая прогулка на новой панорамной прогулочной яхте премиум-класса "Жемчужина", с борта которой открывается потрясающий вид на город и его достопримечательности. Вы отправитесь от самого центрального и одного из самых популярных причалов столицы, пройдете мимо Москворецкой набережной, Кремля, парка "Зарядье", уникального "парящего" моста и других знаменитых сооружений. На борту теплохода для Вас будет работать бар. Разместиться можно в просторном панорамном салоне на нижней палубе, а если позволит погода подняться на верхнюю палубу.

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‘Win the trophy. That’s what we can achieve,’ says Trent Alexander-Arnold of England’s chances at Euro 2024

Liverpool star Trent Alexander-Arnold says that the England squad will head to Euro 2024 believing it can win the European Championship in Germany this summer.

Speaking to CNN’s Senior Sports Analyst Darren Lewis, the Three Lions defender was bullish about England’s chances at the Euros.
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“People will say we’re one of the favorites. It’s the furthest thing from arrogance, but you have to have confidence and believe you can win it, otherwise you can’t.

“If you don’t believe you can, then you never will. So, look, we’ll go out there as a team. We’ll believe we can. But we know we have to perform in the way that we know we can to go and do it.”

Alexander-Arnold hasn’t featured much in 2024 due to a knee injury; the 25-year-old has recently returned to action in the Premier League with Liverpool, scoring a sublime free-kick against Fulham in a 3-1 win on April 21 for the Merseyside club.

Now, his goal is to prove to England boss Gareth Southgate that he is worth a place in the squad and build on his 23 international appearances.
It might surprise people to hear where Alexander-Arnold believes is his best position for the national team: in midfield alongside Real Madrid’s Jude Bellingham.

“I would say midfield, I think, in an England shirt,” said Alexander-Arnold, who usually plays for Liverpool in defense as a right-back.

“I see myself as a midfielder, and that’s down to the conversations I’ve had with the manager,” he added.

“If it comes down to it, look, clearly I can play at right back and I can do a good job there. But with the conversations I’ve had with the manager and how he’s kind of spoken to me about the position, it is a midfield role – I see an opportunity there.”

Alexander-Arnold was ruled out of Euro 2020 after sustaining a thigh injury in the build-up to the competition and missed being part of England’s run to the final, where the Three Lions ultimately lost on penalties to Italy. During the 2022 World Cup, the Liverpool star was an unused substitute on four occasions and played just 33 minutes in Qatar.


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‘Win the trophy. That’s what we can achieve,’ says Trent Alexander-Arnold of England’s chances at Euro 2024
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Liverpool star Trent Alexander-Arnold says that the England squad will head to Euro 2024 believing it can win the European Championship in Germany this summer.

Speaking to CNN’s Senior Sports Analyst Darren Lewis, the Three Lions defender was bullish about England’s chances at the Euros.
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“People will say we’re one of the favorites. It’s the furthest thing from arrogance, but you have to have confidence and believe you can win it, otherwise you can’t.

“If you don’t believe you can, then you never will. So, look, we’ll go out there as a team. We’ll believe we can. But we know we have to perform in the way that we know we can to go and do it.”

Alexander-Arnold hasn’t featured much in 2024 due to a knee injury; the 25-year-old has recently returned to action in the Premier League with Liverpool, scoring a sublime free-kick against Fulham in a 3-1 win on April 21 for the Merseyside club.

Now, his goal is to prove to England boss Gareth Southgate that he is worth a place in the squad and build on his 23 international appearances.
It might surprise people to hear where Alexander-Arnold believes is his best position for the national team: in midfield alongside Real Madrid’s Jude Bellingham.

“I would say midfield, I think, in an England shirt,” said Alexander-Arnold, who usually plays for Liverpool in defense as a right-back.

“I see myself as a midfielder, and that’s down to the conversations I’ve had with the manager,” he added.

“If it comes down to it, look, clearly I can play at right back and I can do a good job there. But with the conversations I’ve had with the manager and how he’s kind of spoken to me about the position, it is a midfield role – I see an opportunity there.”

Alexander-Arnold was ruled out of Euro 2020 after sustaining a thigh injury in the build-up to the competition and missed being part of England’s run to the final, where the Three Lions ultimately lost on penalties to Italy. During the 2022 World Cup, the Liverpool star was an unused substitute on four occasions and played just 33 minutes in Qatar.


2024 NFL Draft: 5 quarterbacks taken in the top 10 of the NFL Draft for the first time ever
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The 2024 NFL Draft has kicked off with the Chicago Bears selecting USC quarterback Caleb Williams with the first overall pick on Thursday night.

Bears fans at the event applauded Williams as he walked onto the stage to share an embrace with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.

This year’s draft could well be be a blockbuster one, with heaps of highly-touted quarterback talents, a potentially all-time wide receiver group and overall value throughout. It’s the first time in NFL history five quarterbacks were selected in the top 10, and there are plenty more teams searching for an answer at the position.
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With teams loaded on veteran players, the draft allows the 32 franchises to stock up on young prospects before heading into training camp to fine tune their rosters ahead of the opening of the new season in September.

Earlier Thursday, NFL spokesperson Brian McCarthy said on X 150,000 fans are in attendance at the draft.

Here’s everything you need to know about the 2024 NFL Draft.

There are some years where the crop of quarterbacks coming out of college football isn’t awe-inspiring.

This is not one of those years.

There are a number of potentially franchise-changing signal-callers in the 2024 class, and chief among those was USC’s Williams.

Although he endured somewhat of a down year last season, Williams possesses all the attributes required to be a high-level quarterback in the NFL.

His throwing ability in various scenarios combined with his athletic talents make him the perfect example of the modern dual-threat QB and have led to comparisons to former No. 1 overall pick Kyler Murray.

The 22-year-old Williams has been high on many draft analysts’ radar for over a year now, following his Heisman Trophy winning season in 2022; he broke Trojan records in passing touchdowns, passing yards and passing efficiency that season.


2024 NFL Draft: 5 quarterbacks taken in the top 10 of the NFL Draft for the first time ever
The 2024 NFL Draft has kicked off with the Chicago Bears selecting USC quarterback Caleb Williams with the first overall pick on Thursday night.

Bears fans at the event applauded Williams as he walked onto the stage to share an embrace with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.

This year’s draft could well be be a blockbuster one, with heaps of highly-touted quarterback talents, a potentially all-time wide receiver group and overall value throughout. It’s the first time in NFL history five quarterbacks were selected in the top 10, and there are plenty more teams searching for an answer at the position.
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With teams loaded on veteran players, the draft allows the 32 franchises to stock up on young prospects before heading into training camp to fine tune their rosters ahead of the opening of the new season in September.

Earlier Thursday, NFL spokesperson Brian McCarthy said on X 150,000 fans are in attendance at the draft.

Here’s everything you need to know about the 2024 NFL Draft.

There are some years where the crop of quarterbacks coming out of college football isn’t awe-inspiring.

This is not one of those years.

There are a number of potentially franchise-changing signal-callers in the 2024 class, and chief among those was USC’s Williams.

Although he endured somewhat of a down year last season, Williams possesses all the attributes required to be a high-level quarterback in the NFL.

His throwing ability in various scenarios combined with his athletic talents make him the perfect example of the modern dual-threat QB and have led to comparisons to former No. 1 overall pick Kyler Murray.

The 22-year-old Williams has been high on many draft analysts’ radar for over a year now, following his Heisman Trophy winning season in 2022; he broke Trojan records in passing touchdowns, passing yards and passing efficiency that season.


New mission could shed light on the secrets of the moon’s ‘hidden side
Over the past few years, competing countries have turned the moon into a hotspot for activity not witnessed since the Apollo 17 astronauts departed from the lunar surface in 1972.

In one lunar region, Japan’s “Moon Sniper” mission has beaten the odds and survived three long, frigid lunar nights since its sideways landing on January 19.
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Engineers at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency didn’t design the spacecraft to last through one lunar night, a two-week period of freezing darkness, but the Moon Sniper continues to thrive amid lunar extremes and send back new images of its landing site.

Elsewhere, an international team of astronomers believes it has homed in on a crater created a few million years ago when something massive slammed into the lunar surface — and sent a chunk of the moon’s far side, or the side that faces away from Earth, hurtling into space. The hunk of moon became a rare quasi-satellite, or asteroid that orbits near Earth.

The Tianwen-2 mission will visit the space rock later this decade. But first, China has set its sights on returning to the moon’s “hidden side.”
The Chang’e-6 mission, which launched Friday, is aiming to bring back the first samples from the South Pole-Aitken basin, or the largest and oldest crater on the moon. Since the Chang’e 4 mission in 2019, China remains the only country to have landed on the moon’s far side, sometimes called the “dark side” of the moon.

The “dark side” of the moon is actually a misnomer, experts say, and the remote lunar hemisphere receives illumination — scientists just don’t know as much about the region as they’d like.

The far side, with its thicker crust, is vastly different from the near side that was explored during the Apollo missions.

Scientists hope that returning samples from the far side could solve some of the biggest remaining lunar mysteries, including the moon’s true origin.


New mission could shed light on the secrets of the moon’s ‘hidden side
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Over the past few years, competing countries have turned the moon into a hotspot for activity not witnessed since the Apollo 17 astronauts departed from the lunar surface in 1972.

In one lunar region, Japan’s “Moon Sniper” mission has beaten the odds and survived three long, frigid lunar nights since its sideways landing on January 19.
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Engineers at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency didn’t design the spacecraft to last through one lunar night, a two-week period of freezing darkness, but the Moon Sniper continues to thrive amid lunar extremes and send back new images of its landing site.

Elsewhere, an international team of astronomers believes it has homed in on a crater created a few million years ago when something massive slammed into the lunar surface — and sent a chunk of the moon’s far side, or the side that faces away from Earth, hurtling into space. The hunk of moon became a rare quasi-satellite, or asteroid that orbits near Earth.

The Tianwen-2 mission will visit the space rock later this decade. But first, China has set its sights on returning to the moon’s “hidden side.”
The Chang’e-6 mission, which launched Friday, is aiming to bring back the first samples from the South Pole-Aitken basin, or the largest and oldest crater on the moon. Since the Chang’e 4 mission in 2019, China remains the only country to have landed on the moon’s far side, sometimes called the “dark side” of the moon.

The “dark side” of the moon is actually a misnomer, experts say, and the remote lunar hemisphere receives illumination — scientists just don’t know as much about the region as they’d like.

The far side, with its thicker crust, is vastly different from the near side that was explored during the Apollo missions.

Scientists hope that returning samples from the far side could solve some of the biggest remaining lunar mysteries, including the moon’s true origin.


New mission could shed light on the secrets of the moon’s ‘hidden side
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Over the past few years, competing countries have turned the moon into a hotspot for activity not witnessed since the Apollo 17 astronauts departed from the lunar surface in 1972.

In one lunar region, Japan’s “Moon Sniper” mission has beaten the odds and survived three long, frigid lunar nights since its sideways landing on January 19.
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Engineers at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency didn’t design the spacecraft to last through one lunar night, a two-week period of freezing darkness, but the Moon Sniper continues to thrive amid lunar extremes and send back new images of its landing site.

Elsewhere, an international team of astronomers believes it has homed in on a crater created a few million years ago when something massive slammed into the lunar surface — and sent a chunk of the moon’s far side, or the side that faces away from Earth, hurtling into space. The hunk of moon became a rare quasi-satellite, or asteroid that orbits near Earth.

The Tianwen-2 mission will visit the space rock later this decade. But first, China has set its sights on returning to the moon’s “hidden side.”
The Chang’e-6 mission, which launched Friday, is aiming to bring back the first samples from the South Pole-Aitken basin, or the largest and oldest crater on the moon. Since the Chang’e 4 mission in 2019, China remains the only country to have landed on the moon’s far side, sometimes called the “dark side” of the moon.

The “dark side” of the moon is actually a misnomer, experts say, and the remote lunar hemisphere receives illumination — scientists just don’t know as much about the region as they’d like.

The far side, with its thicker crust, is vastly different from the near side that was explored during the Apollo missions.

Scientists hope that returning samples from the far side could solve some of the biggest remaining lunar mysteries, including the moon’s true origin.


New mission could shed light on the secrets of the moon’s ‘hidden side
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Over the past few years, competing countries have turned the moon into a hotspot for activity not witnessed since the Apollo 17 astronauts departed from the lunar surface in 1972.

In one lunar region, Japan’s “Moon Sniper” mission has beaten the odds and survived three long, frigid lunar nights since its sideways landing on January 19.
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Engineers at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency didn’t design the spacecraft to last through one lunar night, a two-week period of freezing darkness, but the Moon Sniper continues to thrive amid lunar extremes and send back new images of its landing site.

Elsewhere, an international team of astronomers believes it has homed in on a crater created a few million years ago when something massive slammed into the lunar surface — and sent a chunk of the moon’s far side, or the side that faces away from Earth, hurtling into space. The hunk of moon became a rare quasi-satellite, or asteroid that orbits near Earth.

The Tianwen-2 mission will visit the space rock later this decade. But first, China has set its sights on returning to the moon’s “hidden side.”
The Chang’e-6 mission, which launched Friday, is aiming to bring back the first samples from the South Pole-Aitken basin, or the largest and oldest crater on the moon. Since the Chang’e 4 mission in 2019, China remains the only country to have landed on the moon’s far side, sometimes called the “dark side” of the moon.

The “dark side” of the moon is actually a misnomer, experts say, and the remote lunar hemisphere receives illumination — scientists just don’t know as much about the region as they’d like.

The far side, with its thicker crust, is vastly different from the near side that was explored during the Apollo missions.

Scientists hope that returning samples from the far side could solve some of the biggest remaining lunar mysteries, including the moon’s true origin.


New mission could shed light on the secrets of the moon’s ‘hidden side
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Over the past few years, competing countries have turned the moon into a hotspot for activity not witnessed since the Apollo 17 astronauts departed from the lunar surface in 1972.

In one lunar region, Japan’s “Moon Sniper” mission has beaten the odds and survived three long, frigid lunar nights since its sideways landing on January 19.
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Engineers at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency didn’t design the spacecraft to last through one lunar night, a two-week period of freezing darkness, but the Moon Sniper continues to thrive amid lunar extremes and send back new images of its landing site.

Elsewhere, an international team of astronomers believes it has homed in on a crater created a few million years ago when something massive slammed into the lunar surface — and sent a chunk of the moon’s far side, or the side that faces away from Earth, hurtling into space. The hunk of moon became a rare quasi-satellite, or asteroid that orbits near Earth.

The Tianwen-2 mission will visit the space rock later this decade. But first, China has set its sights on returning to the moon’s “hidden side.”
The Chang’e-6 mission, which launched Friday, is aiming to bring back the first samples from the South Pole-Aitken basin, or the largest and oldest crater on the moon. Since the Chang’e 4 mission in 2019, China remains the only country to have landed on the moon’s far side, sometimes called the “dark side” of the moon.

The “dark side” of the moon is actually a misnomer, experts say, and the remote lunar hemisphere receives illumination — scientists just don’t know as much about the region as they’d like.

The far side, with its thicker crust, is vastly different from the near side that was explored during the Apollo missions.

Scientists hope that returning samples from the far side could solve some of the biggest remaining lunar mysteries, including the moon’s true origin.


New mission could shed light on the secrets of the moon’s ‘hidden side
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Over the past few years, competing countries have turned the moon into a hotspot for activity not witnessed since the Apollo 17 astronauts departed from the lunar surface in 1972.

In one lunar region, Japan’s “Moon Sniper” mission has beaten the odds and survived three long, frigid lunar nights since its sideways landing on January 19.
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Engineers at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency didn’t design the spacecraft to last through one lunar night, a two-week period of freezing darkness, but the Moon Sniper continues to thrive amid lunar extremes and send back new images of its landing site.

Elsewhere, an international team of astronomers believes it has homed in on a crater created a few million years ago when something massive slammed into the lunar surface — and sent a chunk of the moon’s far side, or the side that faces away from Earth, hurtling into space. The hunk of moon became a rare quasi-satellite, or asteroid that orbits near Earth.

The Tianwen-2 mission will visit the space rock later this decade. But first, China has set its sights on returning to the moon’s “hidden side.”
The Chang’e-6 mission, which launched Friday, is aiming to bring back the first samples from the South Pole-Aitken basin, or the largest and oldest crater on the moon. Since the Chang’e 4 mission in 2019, China remains the only country to have landed on the moon’s far side, sometimes called the “dark side” of the moon.

The “dark side” of the moon is actually a misnomer, experts say, and the remote lunar hemisphere receives illumination — scientists just don’t know as much about the region as they’d like.

The far side, with its thicker crust, is vastly different from the near side that was explored during the Apollo missions.

Scientists hope that returning samples from the far side could solve some of the biggest remaining lunar mysteries, including the moon’s true origin.


New mission could shed light on the secrets of the moon’s ‘hidden side
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Over the past few years, competing countries have turned the moon into a hotspot for activity not witnessed since the Apollo 17 astronauts departed from the lunar surface in 1972.

In one lunar region, Japan’s “Moon Sniper” mission has beaten the odds and survived three long, frigid lunar nights since its sideways landing on January 19.
Engineers at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency didn’t design the spacecraft to last through one lunar night, a two-week period of freezing darkness, but the Moon Sniper continues to thrive amid lunar extremes and send back new images of its landing site.

Elsewhere, an international team of astronomers believes it has homed in on a crater created a few million years ago when something massive slammed into the lunar surface — and sent a chunk of the moon’s far side, or the side that faces away from Earth, hurtling into space. The hunk of moon became a rare quasi-satellite, or asteroid that orbits near Earth.

The Tianwen-2 mission will visit the space rock later this decade. But first, China has set its sights on returning to the moon’s “hidden side.”
The Chang’e-6 mission, which launched Friday, is aiming to bring back the first samples from the South Pole-Aitken basin, or the largest and oldest crater on the moon. Since the Chang’e 4 mission in 2019, China remains the only country to have landed on the moon’s far side, sometimes called the “dark side” of the moon.

The “dark side” of the moon is actually a misnomer, experts say, and the remote lunar hemisphere receives illumination — scientists just don’t know as much about the region as they’d like.

The far side, with its thicker crust, is vastly different from the near side that was explored during the Apollo missions.

Scientists hope that returning samples from the far side could solve some of the biggest remaining lunar mysteries, including the moon’s true origin.


Boeing and NASA decide to move forward with historic crewed launch of new spacecraft
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After years of delays and a dizzying array of setbacks during test flights, Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft is finally set to make its inaugural crewed launch.

The mission is on track to take off from Florida as soon as May 6, carrying NASA astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore to the International Space Station, marking what could be a historic and long-awaited victory for the beleaguered Starliner program.
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“Design and development is hard — particularly with a human space vehicle,” said Mark Nappi, vice president and Starliner program manager at Boeing, during a Thursday news briefing. “There’s a number of things that were surprises along the way that we had to overcome. … It certainly made the team very, very strong. I’m very proud of how they’ve overcome every single issue that we’ve encountered and gotten us to this point.”

Boeing and NASA officials made the decision Thursday to move forward with the launch attempt in less than two weeks. However, Ken Bowersox, associate administrator for NASA’s Space Operations Mission Directorate, noted that May 6 is “not a magical date.”
“We’ll launch when we’re ready,” he said.

If successful, the Starliner will join SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft in making routine trips to the space station, keeping the orbiting outpost fully staffed with astronauts from NASA and its partner space agencies.

Such a scenario — with both Crew Dragon and Starliner flying regularly — is one for which the US space agency has long waited.

“This is history in the making,” NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said of the upcoming Starliner mission during a March 22 news conference. “We’re now in the golden era of space exploration.”

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Година запитань до Уряду. Про що промовчав віце-прем’єр Кубраков і не змовчав Тищенко
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Година запитань до Уряду, на якій був присутній віце-прем'єр з відновлення України – міністр розвитку громад, територій та інфраструктури Олександр Кубраков, перетворилася для нього на непросте випробування. Так колишній «слуга народу», а нині позафракційний нардеп Микола Тищенко, який є заступником голови комітету з питань транспорту та інфраструктури, буквально засипав урядовця незручними питаннями. Вгамовувати Тищенка, який прорвався до трибуни, довелося навіть спікеру Руслану Стефанчуку.

Своєю чергою телеграм-канал «Тищдень» підготував свій список питань до Кубракова. Зокрема, вони стосуються стану справ на такому критичному інфраструктурному гіганті як Укрзалізниця, захисту об’єктів енергетики та утаємниченості діяльності міністерства і розслідування карних справ, за якими проходить віце-прем’єр.

«Які роботи було проведено на 76 млрд грн, виділені на захист енергетичної інфраструктури? 10 з яких — на Трипільську ТЕС, яку так і не було захищено.

Які вжито дії щодо запобігання зловживань та хабарів для пришвидшення перетину кордону за єЧергою?

Чи доповідав Вам заступник міністра Деркач С.А. про звернення співробітників Укртрансбезпеки про корупцію в Чернівецькій обл? Які вжито дії щодо цього?

Який стан боротьби в Укрзалізниці з відомими неефективними закупками?

Який обсяг вантажних перевезень на Укрзалізниці був у 2019, 2022 році та яка спостерігається тенденція зараз?

Яка ситуація щодо проведення капітального ремонту колійного господарства, електрифікації, підстанцій Укрзалізниці?

Олександре, чому карні справи під слідством НАБУ, де Ви є фігурантом, під грифом «секретно»?

Чому Ви засекретили всю економічну інформацію щодо діяльності міністерства?

Чому не звітуєте та не відповідаєте на запитання профільного комітету з питань транспорту та інфраструктури? Що Ви приховуєте?»

Проаналізувавши звіт Кубракова, канал «Тищдень» підсумовує, що він представляє собою перелік роботи штатного працівника міністерства і більше схожий на «фількіну грамоту».

Нагадаємо, що останнім часом мусуються розмови щодо кадрових перестановок в Кабміні. Так, вже написав заяву про звільнення міністр аграрної політики Микола Сольський, якого НАБУ та САП підозрюють у заволодінні державною землею на майже 300 млн грн. Прізвище віце-прем'єра Кубракова також називається серед найймовірніших претендентів на відставку. Як стверджують джерела у Верховній Раді, до розгляду кадрових питань народні депутати приступлять на початку травня.


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Инвестиционная компания HERMES: имитация скама по заданию следствия
В Санкт-Петербурге, возможно, близится к завершению предварительное расследование уголовного дела о мошенничестве, инициированного ГСУ питерского главка МВД по якобы обнаружившимся фактам мошенничества в работе иностранной инвестиционной компании Hermes. Следствие признало потерпевшими 198 граждан — клиентов Hermes. В числе обвиняемых — Роман Василенко, по версии следствия, один из соучредителей компании.
Следствие также пытается привлечь к делу кооператив «Бест Вей», заблокировав его деятельность и активы для оплаты обязательств лицам, названным потерпевшими, на том основании, что Василенко являлся руководителем кооператива и другие организации, которые Роман Василенко действительно возглавлял.

Василенко действительно был председателем правления кооператива до февраля 2021 года, а с февраля 2021 года по март 2022-го — председателем совета кооператива — коллегиального наблюдательного органа, не руководящего операционной деятельностью кооператива в связи с тем, что по семейным обстоятельствам месяцами находился за границей. С весны 2021 года он не занимает никаких должностей в кооперативе.
Василенко — не соучредитель и не гендиректор Hermes
При этом наше журналистское расследование выяснило, что учредителем, совладельцем или генеральным директором Hermes Василенко никогда не был: утверждения следствия не соответствуют действительности.

Hermes — компания полностью иностранная, зарегистрированная в британской юрисдикции. Она начала работать на рынке в 1998 года — гораздо раньше, чем были созданы кооператив «Бест Вей», а также продвиженческий, консультативный и образовательный проекты, организованные Романом Василенко.

Россиян среди учредителей Hermes нет и не было. Генеральным партнером компании, насколько нам известно, является австрийский инвестор Йохан Риглер. При этом компания активно работала в странах СНГ, имеет десятки тысяч клиентов из России и других стран постсоветского пространства.

Клиентов привлекало то, что она подчиняется британскому праву и соответствует международным стандартам инвестиционной деятельности. Огромное количество клиентов довольно пассивным доходом, который получало (а после восстановления работы компании и получает) с помощью компании — располагаем сотнями позитивных отзывов, десятки из которых их авторы нам подтвердили лично.
Hermes сотрудничала с российскими специалистами по продвижению, с Романом Василенко, как с бизнес-коучем. При этом она активно привлекала российских IT-специалистов как лучших в мире. На Hermes работал петербургский IT-специалист Набойченко.
Преступление совершили силовики, а не Hermes
Как нам стало известно, петербургские полицейские задержали и запугали Набойченко, а потом выпустили, для того чтобы он действовал по их заданию. Набойченко обрушил все сайты Hermes, создав видимость скама этой компании, и выступил с громкими публичными разоблачениями.

В результате захвата и обрушения сайтов операции по счетам и вывод денег со счетов оказались невозможны — и появились заявления в полицию со стороны клиентов инвесткомпании. Часть из них, по имеющимся у нас данным, была в сговоре со следствием, однако часть поверила в то, что произошел обман и деньги иным способом, кроме как через привлечение к ответственности за мошенничество, не вернуть. При этом большинство клиентов компании из России таких заявлений не подавало, будучи уверенным в том, что кризисная ситуация успешно разрешится.

Кроме того, с разоблачениями выступил шофер одного из проектов Романа Василенко по фамилии Комаров. Человек, работавший за зарплату 100 тыс. в месяц заявил следствию, что якобы возил неучтенные наличные деньги, хотя в действительно он выполнял мелкие поручения, в частности ездил в аэропорт, забирал пакеты с подарками от пайщиков кооператива подарков, присылаемых из регионов, дал показания (якобы сам), что в пакетах с подарками, находилась неучтенная наличка — хотя признает, что их не вскрывал.
Липовое уголовное дело
Вот на этом зыбком основании и искусственном обрушении инфраструктуры Hermes появилось уголовное дело. К этому делу привязали, в том числе, и кооператив «Бест Вей», активы которого следствие стремится использовать для расплаты по обязательствам Hermes, поскольку они находятся в России.

Это, как сообщили нам юридические эксперты, незаконно, но кооператив пытаются привязать квазизаконными способами, один из которых — как раз утверждение, что ранее руководивший кооперативом Роман Василенко являлся якобы совладельцем Hermes и проекты Романа Василенко и Hermes составляли вместе некий единый холдинг — машину для хищений.
Кризис преодолен
На восстановление работы сайтов Hermes и электронных финансовых сервисов IT-специалистами за рубежом понадобилось несколько месяцев. Сейчас, как нам сообщили клиенты компании, сайты и платежные сервисы восстановлены, все счета действуют.

Более 70% клиентов Hermes уже воспользовалось восстановленными счетами и свободно оперирует своими средствами, в том числе выводят их. Сложная ситуация в работе компании, созданная ее бывшим ключевым сотрудником по наущению оперативных работников полиции, полностью преодолена.

Преимущество компании Hermes оказалось как раз в том, что она находится за границей и ее деятельность не могут заблокировать российские правоохранительные органы.

Что же касается кооператива «Бест Вей», то его деятельность пока заблокирована, хотя он прошел бухгалтерскую экспертизу в одном из учреждений Минюста России, которая выяснила, что 81% средств направлялся на покупку квартиры и 19% средств — на организацию деятельности и услуги для кооператива.
Режиссеры псевдоскама
Уголовное дело изначально срежиссировано петербургскими оперативниками и следователями Машевским, Сапетовой, Винокуровым и их начальником — главой ГСУ питерского главка МВД генерал-майора юстиции Негрозовым. Цель атаки, возможно, в том, чтобы захватить активы кооператива в интересах группы недобросовестных инвесторов Hermes.

Винокуров и Негрозов, вводя в заблуждение главу МВД Владимира Колокольцева, заявили, что вскрыли мошенническую схему всероссийского масштаба и обнаружили преступную группировку.

В то время как они сами — преступная группировка, фабрикующая уголовные дела против честных людей и уничтожающая организации, которые работают в интересах повышения материального благосостояния тысяч граждан России.


О команде Экипировка Эксперт
ФОНАРИК ТАКТИЧЕСКИЙ ДЛЯ ШЛЕМА с телескопическим зумом
Боец, Экипировка Эксперт — это розничный интернет-магазин при оптовом складе. Это значит, что при должном количестве товара мы дадим очень хорошие цены.

Название взяли независимо от того, что наша страна сейчас проводит Специальную Военную Операцию, хорошая снаряга и экипировка нужна всегда. Готовишься в бой, мобилизован, привык активно проводить время или решил подготовить тревожный чемоданчик, мы поможем тебе. Наши клиенты: фонды, медики, такие же как ты бойцы СВО и обычные неравнодушные граждане.
Самое главное, что нужно о нас знать, мы детально объясняем, что и как работает, чтобы ты сделал правильный выбор не переплачивая.

Обращаясь к нам, не удивляйся, если ты получишь честный и жесткий ответ - часто случается так, что мы знаем лучше, что именно нужно нашему гостю. Особенно это касается мобилизованных без опыта боевых действий. Здесь ты можешь полагаться на нашу экспертность.

Одна из наших основных целей предоставить тебе возможность удобной и безопасной покупки: хоть за наличку, хоть по карте, хоть по счету. Повторимся, если нужна оптовая поставка, согласуем и отгрузим.

Именно от того, как ты производишь оплату, зависит цена заказа. Для нас важно предоставить тебе качественную экипировку и снаряжение соблюдая при этом законы нашей страны.

Боец, помни, мы помогаем фондам, нуждающимся людям, подразделениям в зоне СВО. Отчеты об этом вскоре будут опубликованы как на сайте, так и на наших каналах в социальных сетях. На эту деятельность уходит значительная часть выручки. Делая покупки в нашем магазине, ты помогаешь людям и фронту. Уверен, что это найдет отзыв в твоем сердце.

У нашей команды есть набор ценностей: честность, справедливость, сопереживание, взаимопомощь, мужество, патриотичность. Уверены, ты их разделяешь, и мы легко найдем общий язык.

Ну а если что-то пойдет не так, не руби с плеча, объясни, где мы ошиблись и поверь, мы разберемся и исправим.

Наш девиз "In hostem omnia licita" - по отношению к врагу дозволено все. Возьми этот девиз, он поможет тебе принять правильное решение в трудной ситуации, с честью выполнить боевую задачу и вернуться домой живым и здоровым!


The case against Roman Vasilenko has been closed

According to information from our sources, a decision to cease the criminal prosecution of Roman Vasilenko, the founder of the company "Life-is-Good" and the cooperative "Best Way," was made at a meeting held under the auspices of the Presidential Administration with representatives from the General Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the FSB.

Roman Viktorovich Vasilenko, a business consultant from St. Petersburg and the creator of a network of independent entrepreneurs promoting financial products under his company "Life-is-Good," notably the "Vista" passive income accounts from the foreign investment company Hermes, registered in Belize, and the acquisition of apartments on installment through the cooperative "Best Way." Unlike with Hermes, Vasilenko was the founder of the cooperative and chaired its board until spring 2021 (later he headed the supervisory board for about a year).

In the fall of 2021, a criminal case accusing him of creating a "financial pyramid" was initiated by GSU investigator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, Ekaterina Sapetova, based on a complaint from a certain Schoolnik from Ukhta. In February 2022, repressions from law enforcement fell on the cooperative "Best Way," perceived as being affiliated with Hermes. In March that year, the cooperative's board was completely re-elected, and Roman Vasilenko was not included in the new composition.

The scale of the investigation intensified, involving the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. By summer 2022, Vasilenko was charged with large-scale fraud, creating a financial pyramid, and organizing a criminal community. He was declared internationally wanted, as he has been living abroad since 2020. All charges were denied by him through his lawyers. Russian law enforcement sought assistance from Interpol, which almost immediately denied Russia's request, deciding that the persecution of Vasilenko was unlawful and politically motivated. He believes the political motivation lies in the presence of structures interested in seizing the assets of the cooperative "Best Way" worth 16 billion rubles, operating under the cover of state bodies, primarily the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, and the Prosecutor's Office of St. Petersburg and the North-West Central Bank of Russia, representatives of which became "co-authors" of the criminal case.

Meanwhile, in Russia, Roman Vasilenko was charged in a case currently being considered by the Primorsky District Court of St. Petersburg, related to the companies "Life-is-Good," Hermes, and the cooperative "Best Way." However, due to his unavailability for court proceedings, the case concerning him and several other leaders of the company "Life-is-Good" and entrepreneurs cooperating with this company was separated into an independent investigation.

The case now being considered in the Primorsky District Court involves nine technical functionaries of the company "Life-is-Good," entrepreneurs cooperating with the company, and Roman Vasilenko's 83-year-old father, Viktor Ivanovich Vasilenko. The defendants were essentially taken hostage by St. Petersburg law enforcement. Four of the accused have been in jail for over two years, despite the maximum detention period set by the criminal procedure code being one and a half years. This also influenced Interpol's negative view of the charges against Vasilenko.

In the Russian court, the case essentially collapsed. Prosecution witnesses one after another either made baseless claims that conflicted with documents – and were exposed as liars in court by the defense attorneys; or they stated that all their problems actually started with the collapse of Hermes' website and payment system, caused by a St. Petersburg programmer working for the company – an agent of the Economic Security and Anti-Corruption Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, and the initiation of the criminal case. That is, while Hermes' operations were unhampered, they were satisfied.

Public confusion follows loud statements by the Minister of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, and his colleagues about uncovering the largest financial pyramid in Russian history with billions in thefts affecting tens of thousands of people. However, in the criminal case considered by the court, there are 221 citizens recognized by the investigation as victims, not thousands, and the total damage is 280 million rubles, not billions.

Despite unprecedented violations of the criminal procedure code, which, according to media reports, law enforcement resorted to, they failed to "fabricate" more impressive sums. The picture of absurdity was completed by a desperate attempt to increase the amount – two claims for moral damages of 1 billion rubles each – clearly written under the dictation of investigators. All this forced the St. Petersburg Prosecutor's Office, which supports the state prosecution, to actively engage in this doomed case, including conducting illegal "training" of witnesses before their testimonies in court, which undermined the reputation of the General Prosecutor, Igor Krasnov.

All this, according to our data, prompted the overseers of the law enforcement agencies from the Old Square to press "stop" – to end the criminal prosecution of Vasilenko, and put the investigated criminal case on hold. The same criminal case, which is still in court and does not involve Vasilenko, is still under consideration: a decision on it will be made later.


Что известно о главе финансовой пирамиды Life is Good Романе Василенко?
анальный секс зрелых
МВД РФ объявило в розыск предпринимателя Романа Василенко. Его обвиняют в создании финансовой пирамиды Life is Good. Об этом сообщает РИА Новости со ссылкой на базу данных ведомства.
«Основание для розыска: разыскивается по статье УК», — говорится в сообщении. Точную статью МВД не уточняет.

Кто такой Роман Василенко?
Василенко родился 5 апреля 1969 года в Ленинграде в семье офицеров морской авиации. Роман пошел по стопам отца и матери, поступив в военно-финансовое училище в Ярославле. По окончании вуза в 1990 году выпускник ушел служить в Военно-морской флот. Спустя восемь лет Василенко уволился из ВМФ и стал офицером запаса, сохранив право ношения военной формы.
Предпринимательская деятельность
Мысль начать бизнес Василенко пришла во время службы. Об этом он рассказывал в 2016 году в интервью Владимиру Соловьеву.

В 1996 году он получил бизнес-образование, пройдя курсы MBO (в пер. с англ. Management By Objectives — управление по целям — прим. ред.) во Франции, Швейцарии, США, на Кипре и в других странах. Параллельно Роман занимался финансовым консалтингом в швейцарской фирме, где проработал 16 лет.

В 2013 году предприниматель основал компанию совместно с партнером, пригласил на работу своих сослуживцев. Однако совместное дело потерпело крах. По словам Василенко, его напарник обманным путем переоформил бизнес на себя, оставив друга не у дел.

Спустя год Роман открыл новую компанию под названием Life is Good и жилищный кооператив «Бест вей». Суть его бизнеса заключалась в следующем: для приобретения недвижимости один пайщик использовал средства других инвесторов. Так, по заверениям основателя, можно было быстрее получить жилой или коммерческий объект, оплачивая за него по беспроцентной или сниженной ставке. В холдинг также входит бизнес-академия IBA, директором и преподавателем которой является сам Василенко.


Что не так с инвестиционной компанией Life is Good — пирамида или нет?
порно жесток
Инвестпривет, друзья! Подписчица Марина спросила меня о том, что я думаю об инвестиционной компании Life is Good, а также об инвестиционном счете Vista. Первый взгляд на Life is Good убедил меня, что ничего хорошего из инвестиций в нее не выйдет. Второй взгляд – тоже. И вот почему. И да, демотиваторов здесь не будет. И без них смешно.
Сайт сделан на коленке

Далее. Сразу же справа вываливается форма, предлагающая начинать онлайн-чат с оператором. На полстраницы, перекрывая весь контент. Это сайт международной организации? Серьезно?
Далее смотрим, что сайт доступен аж на 9 языках! Захожу в английскую версию, ибо другими языками не владею. И что я вижу? Грубые грамматические и орфографические ошибки на уровне 7 класса средней школы. На скрине выделил лишь наиболее бросающиеся в глаза. Но одна фразочка «who specializiruetsya» уже доставляет.
И вообще, никакие иностранные версии не адаптированы. Верстка плывет, большинство фраз не переведены. Ребята, серьезно? Получается почти как по Грибоедову – смесь французского с нижегородским.


МВД оценило ущерб от финансовой пирамиды Life is Good
гей порно видео
Жертвы финансовой пирамиды Life is Good понесли ущерб в сумме на 15 млрд рублей, оценило МВД. Пострадали больше 18 000 человек. Ущерб от другой рухнувшей пирамиды Finiko оценивался примерно втрое меньше. В отношении основателя Life is Good завели 13 уголовных дел
Организаторы финансовой пирамиды Life is Good в регионах России причинили пострадавшим вкладчикам ущерб в сумме на 15 млрд рублей, сообщила официальный представитель МВД Ирина Волк. По информации МВД, жертвами пирамиды стали больше 18 000 человек.

Из похищенных денег 158,5 млн рублей лидер пирамиды легализовал путем покупки недвижимости в Санкт-Петербурге и Ленинградской области, отметила Волк. В отношении организатора пирамиды возбуждено 13 уголовных дел по признакам отмывания денег, полученных преступным путем (часть 4 статьи 174.1 Уголовного кодекса, до семи лет лишения свободы). Организатора подозревают в организации преступного сообщества, деятельности финансовой пирамиды и мошенничестве.
Пирамида работала с 2014 года в нескольких регионах России, организаторы создали сеть филиалов под единым брендом. Участникам обещали новое жилье либо доход в размере до 25% годовых. Инвестированием вкладов организаторы схемы не занимались: покупка недвижимости и обещанные выплаты осуществляли за счет привлечения денег новых клиентов, отметила Волк. Работу финансовой пирамиды МВД пресекло в марте 2022 года. Четверо подозреваемых арестованы, еще пятеро, включая 53-летнего организатора сообщества, объявлены в розыск. На тот момент министерство оценивало число пострадавших в 12 000 людей, сумму ущерба — не менее чем в 9 млрд рублей.
Ирина Волк не назвала имя организатора Life is Good. В апреле 2022 года министерство объявило в розыск «по статье УК» Романа Василенко — он и есть основатель Life is Good, писало «РИА Новости». На странице Романа Василенко в LinkedIn (соцсеть заблокирована в России) говорится, что он с 2004 года занимает должность президента Life is Good Ltd. Он выпускник Ярославского высшего военного финансового училища и автор книги «Мечта, цель, успех предпринимателя».

Ущерб от другой крупной финансовой пирамиды Finiko МВД оценивало в 5 млрд рублей, число потерпевших — примерно 10 000. В декабре 2022 года источники казанского издания «Бизнес Online» сообщили, что сумма ущерба сократилась в 30 раз до лишь 179,6 млн рублей, а число пострадавших — до 160.


Уголовное дело, связываемое следствием ГСУ ГУ МВД России по Санкт-Петербургу и Ленобласти с компаниями «Лайф-из-Гуд», «Гермес» и кооперативом «Бест Вей», уже несколько недель разваливается в суде, который его рассматривает, – Приморском районном суде Санкт-Петербурга.
«Бест Вей»
Ни один из выступавших в суде не знает подсудимых лично, никак с ними не взаимодействовали – всего несколько человек из допрошенных видело их в видеороликах компании «Лайф-из-Гуд». «Нулевая» потерпевшая, с заявления которой началось уголовное дело, – Наталья Школьник – вообще отказалась от статуса потерпевшей. Несколько подсудимых были обвинены на основании ее заявления – но она ни на кого из них не смогла верно указать в суде.
Свидетели дают показания, которые резко расходятся с теми, что давали в ходе предварительного следствия. Почти все они вынуждены были в ходе судебного следствия признать, что несколько лет получали значительный пассивный доход благодаря счету в компании «Гермес», причем доход, существенно превысивший вложенное. Теория следствия о том, что за их претензии к «Гермесу» должен заплатить кооператив «Бест Вей», причем за 280 млн претензий почти четырьмя миллиардами, имеющимися на его счетах, опровергнута адвокатами.
Пора возбуждать новое дело, о реальном преступлении: преступном сообществе следователей, прокурорских, «потерпевших» и, возможно, иных лиц, заинтересованных в захвате имущества кооператива «Бест Вей».


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