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п»їWhat Separates TOP vs. Average Sales Performers / Online Marketing

What Separates TOP vs. Average Sales Performers / Online Marketing
Is there a magic formula that once activated will create what we call Top Performers in the sales world? Or is everyone destined to be just average in the way they are seen and perceived? We know the answer to that question. It is clear that there has to be a distinction between what we designate as an Average Performer and someone that seemingly aspires to higher things and creates their own destiny rather than just going through the motions and hoping for the best.
We will be delving into this area of study and generate some clear distinctions between the two groups. These online business ideas can help you in your progress with your selected business.
Top Performers plan their presentations. They acknowledge Murphy’s Law and plan for all contingencies. Way before they physically check the space to be used for their presentation, these people have outlined their presentation, made notes throughout and prepared their resources to be in sync with the audience being invited. Are they going to be using a flip chart, a white board or possibly a Power Point presentation? There is no greater insurance policy than being prepared. The ones at the head of the pack know this and use it to their advantage. Nothing is left to chance.
The average performers have no plan and have a tendency to wing it. Is this because of perceived self confidence or they feel they already know what to do. The huge difference between the two groups is their mindset. Top Performers have always prepared themselves, as they understand that without formal training and expanded life experience; they are not going to be competitive, especially in today’s fast paced market place. Average performers rely on their gut instinct and seemingly don’t see value in what is needed to reach critical mass in their personal and business lives.
Top Performers focus on strategic sales, utilizing their long view of the world and where their specific plan fits within the global picture. Today the world had gotten quite small and needs to be addressed when formatting the strategy and tactics for the specific campaign. While both parts of the plan are important, strategy is obviously the more important one to define, as it relates to the bigger picture. Without a solid and well planned strategy that covers all bases, it is easy to lose sight of where you are on a day to day comparison and eventually lose sight of your set objective. Strategy is all about planning and we all know the tried and true cliché’ “Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail.â€Вќ Without a well thought out plan and its contingencies, the chance of reaching your predicted objectives is weakened and opens the door to less than stellar performance.
Average performers think in different terms. They are all about quick hits and the glory of the instant money. Their view of the world is to look good today with little thought for tomorrow. They are about getting along with everyone else and not rocking the boat. Average performers have no plan. Their plan is to make today happen and worry about tomorrow when it gets here. They do not see the value of a business plan and all the incremental information that supports its platform.
Top Performers use strategies based on their customer. They understand that in today’s volatile business environment, it is critical to understand all facets of their customer’s lifestyle to make all final adjustments to their plan. Marketing today is focused on how to deliver specific benefits to their audience members based on careful studies of everyone included in the group and to then break that group down further to truly understand each individual’s difference. This one to one marketing supersedes all other forms as you are now truly gearing your marketing to that specific individual. While it may take a lot more effort in defining your marketing policies with this method, it is more advantageous in today’s highly competitive, digital world that is dominating all forms of business, including the Internet.
Average performers use the same strategy on all their marketing, not taking into account how fragmented the market place has become. They sometimes forget the one basic rule that should apply to all and that is to treat others as you want to be treated. Do you want to be lumped into one set of demographics or have marketing treat you as an individual? Even niche marketing, as well as it has done, by breaking numbers down into smaller and smaller segments of the population, still leaves room for a more concentrated approach, which is marketing to the individual.
Top Performers always ask questions with impact. They understand the role of the seller in questioning the buyer with open ended questions that will yield information to be used in positioning the product and its benefits. It is said that the best sales people spend only 20% of their time in speaking, as the other 80% is utilized in listening to the information being shared by the buyer. This information is critical to understanding the specific needs of the customer, which allow for the presentation of the product or solution to the customer’s problem. It doesn’t get any easier than this. Ask open ended questions and listen. If you have properly positioned your questions and they are thought provoking, by being open to what is coming back in the ongoing conversation, you will quickly find out if your product meets their needs.
Average performers ask questions lacking focus and are just social banter, as the seller already knows where they want to go in placing their product. I cannot tell you how many sales people actually place their product by “bullyingâ€Вќ the buyer, only to find out later when they come back by to find their product ready for a return, as it was not needed in the first place. I was taught early on as a sales person, I am not just a tourist in their space. I can tour through businesses all day long and not get anything accomplished, as without the plan we talked about earlier, the end result is not clear and leaves doubt in the buyer’s mind. Communication, in particular business communication should always have a set expected result. Without knowing the sales process, it is easy to get lost in the presentation and ultimately lose the sale.
Top Performers prioritize product details in the sales process. They understand that the sales process has specific steps that generate information to move onto the next step. One of the key steps in the sales process is the Qualifying step. This step comes way before the actual presentation is conducted, as you want to know that this person understands the dynamics behind the products and can actually meet criteria such as the purchase price and any ongoing costs to support the sale. Keep in mind that the sales process is all about two things, one is Asking questions, the second is Solving problems. It isn’t truly this simple, but you get the point. The ultimate key in creating great sales is to create conditions by which the buyer convinces himself in the process. Once the buyer is qualified and the presentation and or demo conducted, it goes back to basic questions to make sure that you have covered all objections and comments. With a clear and transparent surface, it is easy to zero in on the close and success.
Average performers don’t know the sales process and in many cases could care less. Remember they are about the instant gratification of the sale, not taking into consideration the many opportunities available in the future if the buyer was closed properly. Do you see how easy it is to get off course if you don’t have a well thought out plan of action? By nature the average performers talk way too much upsetting the suggested 20/80 rule given earlier. By not listening to their customer, they ramble through their presentation, knowing that they can close because they know the person or think they know them.
Top Performers talk about benefits and only bring in the features if necessary to expand on the subject. Benefits follow the acronym WIIFM, which stands for “What’s In It For Me?â€Вќ Keep in mind that this key question defines how and when the sale takes place. If we don’t see any benefit to our life from the product, why would we buy it? If I am trying to sell you a volumizing shampoo because you have fine hair, which by nature is skinnier than say coarse hair, if I mention that the shampoo has vitamin B5, how many people will think or say, What does that have to do with making my hair feel fatter? In reality the feature - panthenol or B5 does have the ability to increase diameter from the inside out up to an additional 10%, but my focus is on the benefits of the feature - panthenol, which is more volume, fatter feeling hair and more compliments from the use of the volumizing shampoo. Focus on understanding the features, but zero in on the details behind the benefits and what they will do for the buyer. Remember WIIFM.
Average performers on the other hand talk about features. They will go through a whole laundry list of features that they learned on their own, thinking that the more the better and how can you argue with feature after feature. The fallacy in this statement is that most people don’t know the science supporting personal care products and their specific ingredients. Features can confuse the buyer and turn them off. If they feel that you know something that they possibly don’t know, will alter their buying decision and many times leave you wondering why your closing rate is down.
Top Performers end their sales call with follow-up, which is part of the overall strategy. Nothing upsets buyers more than the feeling that I was sold something and there is no recourse. Today it is imperative to have a solid support system in place to not only follow up on the sale, but as importantly, to offer this service as part of your strategy. People want to feel that if something happens outside of the normal range of circumstances, that they can call you and get immediate relief. We are all in the same boat and acknowledge that customer service is gone in America. What used to be a cornerstone of business is now regulated to voice mail programs that do not allow you to speak with a live person in most cases. You buy it, It’s yours! We all want this service, but with companies continuing to pare down, it is becoming a thing of the past. Unfortunately we all still want this one on one attention and will support the businesses that offer it. You can never stop servicing the sale just made, as the first sale sets up a whole cycle of Re-selling, Up-selling, Cross-selling, New-selling, and Friend selling. This one basic rule will yield huge numbers if properly addressed in the sales strategy set up way before the presentation was ever considered.
Average performers just end after the sale. Since they never really had a handle on how to set their sales strategy and do not know the sales process and its steps, are left to their “naturalâ€Вќ abilities for the close. Without a follow up plan, the customer is left on their own to either receive a great experience with the newly purchase product or once they realize that they did not need the product, now have to jump through hoops to get something done. Unfortunately the majority of sales people are average performers following the 20/80 rule which states that 20% of sales people are the Top Performers and 80% are the average performers. In argument, it can be stated that the Top Performers are a lot less than the 20% number, but for explanation purposes, the numbers are clear in their presumptions.
If you are searching for excellence in yourself and business, it is imperative to separate yourself from the masses. Winners set their own bar and are not tied to the crowd. By following these few differences between the two groups, you will move further towards your set goals and objectives. Use the information to understand which group you want to be associated with and use the basic tenets to plot your next move.
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Domain Name Buying & Selling is one of the fastest moving activity that many people fail to realize. While being within that marketplace, a large number of entrepreneurs are making fair amount of profits from domain. To understand the amount of money that is at stake, you can browse through DN Journal to view the List of Top 100 Domain Name Sales.
There a number of factors that determined the actual valuation of a Domain Name. Domain Names can sell for anything between from a few hundred dollars, to tens of thousands of dollars in some cases. These factors depends upon where you are in the process as well. So, it is important to understand when you can increase the value of your domain before you make the move to sell the domain name.
This is the ideal situation where if you haven’t brought a domain name yet and if you are thinking about buying and selling domain, then you are in an ideal situation. Even if you have a domain that you just don’t use anymore you can still use these tips to improve your chances at getting more money for your Domain when you sell.
The 7 Tips for selling your unused Domain Names are
#1 Increase the Value of your Domain Name
Before you starting selling your domain, it is important to the know the value of the domain realistically. It can be difficult to arrive at the accurate value of the domain when you have a wide range of prices that domains go for auctions. There are ways in which you can estimate the value of the domain also you can increase the value of the domain for potential buyers.
You can easily buy domains on cheap prices if you are ready to spend some time digging for any domains available. Plenty of domain sites offer search tools to do that research. Example: DN Finder
Sell your Unused Domain Name for profits
If you are likely to get the Available Domain Name anywhere from $10 to $20 Dollars but if it’s already taken and for sale by a third party (known as a “Premium” domain), then you’ll end up paying significantly more.
Now, what’s the deal with buying & selling domains? You are sure to crack a deal only if you know what sorts to domain you look for and what you do once you have them because large amounts of money is involved in this process.
#2 Park and Monitor Traffic
If you are typically wondering what involves when you are buying & selling domain, then you would be interested in knowing the little waiting period (usually) after you buy the domain. You cannot sell them immediately and thus Park your Domain in the holding pattern.
Sell your Unused Domain Name
This mean that your parked domain site sits in your registered account and display the visitor that your domain is parked. Instead of keeping you web page ideal, forward your web page to a simple web page to generate leads for the domain.
#3 Determine your Keyword Value
Before you sell the domain, know its value by estimating how many people are searching in Google for the same name for the domain. While the latest Google algorithm changes are making exact-name domain matches not quite as critical as they used to be, they are still extremely important in an overall SEO strategy.
If people are looking to launch a financial blog about the U.S. federal deficit, and if they can get a domain called federaldeficit.com, that would sure be pretty valuable to them, wouldn’t it? There are a few quick and simple ways to gauge the keyword value of your domain. Head on over to Google Adwords, and type in the words that make up your domain. For example, if your domain is “cheaphaircuts.com”, type in “cheap haircuts.”
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Make sure to select “Only show ideas closely related to my search terms.” The results will reveal not only the global monthly search numbers for that search phrase, but it’ll also show you the search numbers for closely related terms as well. If the keywords you look up have their own high search numbers every month, and close variations of that phrase also have very high search numbers, you’re looking at a domain name that could potentially bring in a whole lot of search traffic.
Of course, search traffic doesn’t just depend on keywords alone. A site needs a strong vision. If you can combine high keyword trends with a powerful vision for the future of that domain, you can generate a convincing sales pitch for potential buyers. It’s the sizzle in the steak that’s going to generate those sales leads and bring in the big offers for your domain.
#4 Create a Vision for Your Domain
There are plenty of reasons for someone to come across your domain sales to fall for a convincing sales story. They would be starting own blog, a personal website, an e-commerce site, or an informational educational site. However, the keyword phrase of your site often tells its own story. Think of the list of ideas that people could do with your domain and generate 5 exciting ideas that gets people to own your domain.
#5 Look up for Average Domain Prices
Once you have developed a powerful sales story for your domain, then your next step is to estimate the general value that you can expect from your domain name. Use any of the domain auction websites such as DN Finder, Afternic, Sedo, and Flippa other than GoDaddy and search their directories for your domain name or for a similar one. At times, the prices range for the domain might a bit expensive, so review the ask prices that other domain owners expect and get a clear average price. If not, you can use search trends to compare your keyword searches trends with the other domains.
Sell your Unused Domain Name for profits_price comparison
#6 Build a Great Sales Page
You can create a great sales page by combining a sales page and an ad page, you can generate funds from Google Ads & also offer sales link for anyone interested in buying the domain.
You may want to bypass selling ads, if you are really interested about selling domain and provide a clear description about your vision for the domain and include information that could convince your prospect to buy the domain. Ex: Add high search value of the domain information
#7 List your Domain for Sale
The final stage of selling your domain is landing the sales. Top domain marketplace is the safest for transactions, as it is handled by a trusted company, making it more likely that the sale process will be followed the buyers. Choose your sale wisely and keep the cost low. CAX is a domain marketplace, where you can sell your domain by giving up about 8 to 10 % for the sale as commission.
Sell your Unused Domain Name for profitsIf you have queries regarding buying of Domain Names, click here to connect with us.

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