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Norton Power Eraser удаляет глубоко внедренное и трудно удаляемое ПО, в частности "scareware" или "rogueware", которое простые антивирусы не всегда обнаруживают. Создано для...
Aml Maple - небольшая программа, которая показывает текущую раскладку клавиатуры в мышином и текстовом курсоре, а не где-то в языковой панели, на другом конце дисплея. Отображает флаг государства или название языка.
Как восстановить иммунитет и быть бодрым, здоровым в холодный период?
А так же поддержать женское и мужское здоровье, позаботиться о детях ?? благодаря "Добро Алтая"!
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Бальзамы и настойки
Детские сиропы и полезные вкусняшки
Фиточаи и сборы целебных трав
Мумие и Живица
Панты марала и пантовые ванны
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тыквенное, пихтовое,
березовое, чистотела
Мед и пчелопродукты
Эксклюзив! Бобровая струя, Огневка(восковая моль) и настойка Болиголова от онкологии
Хит! Соляная лампа из морской соли для здоровья взрослым и детям!
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РОЗЫГРЫШ! Приз Соляная лампа для здоровья! Участвуйте и Выигрывайте!
Ваш ребёнок часто устаёт? Пропускает школу, не ходит в детский сад? Болеет?
А ведь пропуски занятий – это пробелы в знаниях и ребёнок становится раздражительным и неуверенным. Он теряет интерес к обучению.
Родители мечтают вырастить умного, успешного и счастливого ребёнка. Любого ребенка. Всех своих детей.
Дары Алтайского края для крепкого детского здоровья. Для полноценной счастливой жизни ребёнка.
Витаминно-минеральные фитокомплексы с холином. Для профилактики дефицита наиболее важных витаминов и микроэлементов в организме ребёнка: йода, кальция, железа инозита (витамин В?), с Холином (витамин В?) для развития интеллекта, улучшения памяти, концентрации внимания и эмоционального равновесия.
Серия драже для детей с пантогематогеном. Эта уникальная серия направлена на решение проблем со здоровьем у детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста. Состав из экстрактов плодов и ягод Алтая (облепиха, клюква, шиповник, черная смородина, черника, ромашка, мята, липа и др.) оказывает благоприятное воздействие на организм маленького человека.
Серия детских сиропов. Эта серия востребована у родителей, которые предпочитают давать жидкие формы оздоровительных продуктов своему ребёнку. Cиропы изготовлены на основе настоев растительного и плодово-ягодного сырья. В каждом виде сиропа от 4 до 6 фито-компонентов. В зависимости от вида, в состав добавлены необходимые для нормального роста и развития витамины.
Витаминно-минеральные комплексы для детей (йогуртовые конфеты). При регулярном применении восполняют дефицит витаминов, макро- и микроэлементов. Обеспечивают нормальный рост и развитие ребенка. Натуральные сухие соки, включенные в состав конфет, делают их еще более полезными и вкусными. Поддерживая здоровье ребенка, Вы способствуете развитию заложенных у него от природы талантов.
Для мамы и папы у нас тоже есть подарок. Бальзам на основе пантогематогена для восполнения жизненных сил и энергии. Узнайте, как получить ПОДАРОК!
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Здоровья и благополучия Вам и Вашим детям. БИОБИШКА
Глава ТОО "Камал-Ойл" Абай Камалов из Казахстана выиграл
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оплатить стоимость лицензии - 10 миллионов долларов.
Rolands Petersons, member of the board of CPM Trading SIA,
Railway transport is one of the most promising modes of inland transport, and, at the moment, it is said to be the crucial element in the economy of Latvia. Considering the entire volume of inland transport, the share of railway freight is about 52%, whereas the volume of the passenger transportation is 6% and in Riga suburban area the number is increasing up to 30%. However, the data summarized by the Ministry of Communications still shows that in Latvia the volume of freight rail transportation by comparison with 2016 has decreased by 8.4% and amounted to 43.792 million tons.
Traffic congestion can lead to a loss of 200 billion euros
The mobility of goods is an essential component of the EU internal market; this greatly contributes to the competitiveness of the industry and services in Europe. The types of lengthy transportation as railway can reduce their costs, which arise in connection with the traffic congestion on the roads. The increase of approximately 50% is projected by the year 2050, reaching a volume of almost 200 billion euros per year.
In the future, it is possible to increase the volume of rail transportation. Rolands petersons defacto
The amount of international rail transportation in 2017 was 42.138 million tons, which showed a decline of 9.1% compared to 2016. However, domestic traffic has increased by 11.5% to 1.653 million tonnes. The volume of transit cargo from the total amount of international rail freight transport amounted to 38.719 million tons, which showed a drop of 6.5% compared to the previous year, the volume of imported goods was 3.067 million tons, or 22.4% less, and the volume of export cargo was 351 800 tons, which was a drop of 2.8 times. In 2016, in Latvia, by rail, 47.821 million tons were transported. Taking into consideration the decline in the international transport sector in 2017, the question is, by which means can we achieve the volume increase? By implementation of the well-considered long-term solutions, it is possible to get back to the level that used to be before the embargo against Russia was introduced in 2013.
Increase of the average commercial speed of freight trains.
One of the key priorities nowadays is the development of the railway infrastructure, and in this case, it is expected, the railway infrastructure can be financed by the European Union.Rolands petersons defacto It is essential to find a solution how to increase the average commercial speed of freight trains since the speed is only about 18 km/h on the majority international routes in Europe. One of the solutions can be the improvement of cooperation between existing infrastructure organizations in Europe. The actual train system needs to be adapted to the needs of the railway freight transport sector, especially in the EU freight rail corridors. This would contribute to the competitiveness of rail transport with other modes of transport, especially with the road transport sector, which infrastructure is easily accessible in all Member States.
Well-thought-out charge for the use of infrastructure. Rolands petersons defacto
Freight trains pay for each kilometer of the railway infrastructure, which again adversely affects the competitiveness of the railway in comparison with road transport, where such charge is not always introduced. Setting the price that users are required to pay for getting into the infrastructure, it would be necessary to take into account the impact on the environment and pollution, congestion, accidents and other aspects. Rolands petersons defacto
The state should provide a proper support for organizations managing infrastructure, and rail transport enterprises should strive to improve the competitiveness of rail freight services, especially in regards to reliability, filling, elasticity, customer orientation, and the duration and cost of transportation, as these are the main aspects which are considered by an average consignor in selecting any of the available modes of transport.
Elimination imperfections in the liberalization of the freight transport process
In cooperation with both, the public and private sectors, at the international level, imperfections related to the liberalization of freight rail transport, communication lines procedures, administrative and technical restrictions, monitoring and anticipating performance in the rail freight industry, and fair competition between different modes of transportation. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the ways to make a better use of available EU funding and target it to the rail transport industry in order to achieve improvements in such areas as a coherent approach to policy objectives and funding (while focusing on corridors for freight railways transportation), for the selection, planning and management of projects, as well as for the maintenance of railroad networks.
Not only update, but also regularly support
It is essential to take to the new level not only the quality of the services provided to carriers and shippers of rail freight but, in general, to improve the competitiveness of rail freight transport; infrastructure managing organizations should not only update and modernize the railway network but also to regularly support it.Rolands petersons defacto This is especially important for the corridors of rail freight. If the tracks are not properly maintained, the speed limits will have to be applied and the railway lines will gradually be obstructed.
Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons privatbank has released new forecasts on Poland becoming the logistics centre of Europe. Newest OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) data are indicating the increase of living standards in Poland, positive tendencies in economy and rapid development of the labour market.Rolands petersons privatbank
Experts at OECD has appreciated a change in the Polish labour market - a fall of the unemployment level to the lowest ever, reaching the lowest point in the last twenty years; labour demand is growing; and everything indicates a significant growth of average wages in the near future. Unemployment levels in Poland in 2017 were low - 4,9% and all the forecast are indicating the continuous fall reaching 4,2% in 2018 and 3,8% in 2019. GDP will go on increasing, but a little bit more slowly. Forecasts for 2018 are 4,2%, but in 2019 - 3,7%. It should be mentioned that in 2017 GDP was 4,6%[1].Rolands petersons privatbank
Poland should think more about the agricultural production export area. Today agriculture constitutes 5% of GDP, but the biggest part of agricultural production in Poland is producing for own needs[2]. Export products for the most part are milk products, meat and potatoes. Rolands petersons privatbank By developing its infrastructure, Poland would be able to succeed exports. Rolands petersons privatbank The Baltic Sea provides the opportunity to develop cargo carriage faster than it is done now, according to Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons privatbank who offers his thoughts on Poland economy.
To keep this positive tendency, Poland has to find opportunities to invest in proficiency enhancement, development of infrastructure and innovations. There should be a strategy allowing continuation and even growth of infrastructural investments.Rolands petersons privatbank
Author: Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.
Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. has released a new forecasts of Poland economy. Economic growth by 5,1% in the second quarter of this year and 5,2% in the first quarter shows that Poland is on a stable, correct and sustainable development road. It is worth to recall that in the last quarter of 2017 the increase was 4,9%, but in the last whole year- 4,6%[1].Rolands petersons privatbank Although the Polish Prime Minister in an interview highlighted that external economic turbulence may pose a threat to the national economy, other significant indicators indicate that the situation inside the country is sufficiently stable to overcome external difficulties.Rolands petersons privatbank
One of the most prominent indicators, which reflects the home work done by Poland, is the unemployment rate, more precisely- the decrease of unemployment. According to the latest static data, last month it has decreased by 0.1% (from July to August this year), and it continues to decline. Another reason why external threats to Poland are not so scary is the fact that the biggest development guide of GDP growth is domestic consumption, (domestic demand). Domestic demand, with the dominant contribution of consumption reached 2,9%.
Although the volume of investments in Poland has decreased (4,5% in the second quarter of this year against the same quarter last year, when it was 8,1%), by a review of local government spending we conclude that the situation can be smooth out.Rolands petersons privatbank Also the revival of company investment outlays, including SMEs, is an important element that should help to boost GDP growth in coming quarters, Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. offers his thoughts on Poland economy.Rolands petersons privatbank
About Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.:
Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. is an international logistics company based in Poland since 2016.Rolands petersons privatbank This company operates in Europe and also in many other major logistics centres in the world. The core business is a cargo brokerage, mainly marine cargo.Rolands petersons privatbank Norman Logistics customers is significant EU companies which his production transport throughout marine cargo. And service providers are medium or large shipping companies.Rolands petersons privatbank The mission of Norman Logistics is convenient logistics and one-point service for the same price, individual and best quality approach.Rolands petersons privatbank
Author: Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.
Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons privatbank has released new forecasts on Poland becoming the logistics centre of Europe. Newest OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) data are indicating the increase of living standards in Poland, positive tendencies in economy and rapid development of the labour market.Rolands petersons privatbank
Experts at OECD has appreciated a change in the Polish labour market - a fall of the unemployment level to the lowest ever, reaching the lowest point in the last twenty years; labour demand is growing; and everything indicates a significant growth of average wages in the near future. Unemployment levels in Poland in 2017 were low - 4,9% and all the forecast are indicating the continuous fall reaching 4,2% in 2018 and 3,8% in 2019. GDP will go on increasing, but a little bit more slowly. Forecasts for 2018 are 4,2%, but in 2019 - 3,7%. It should be mentioned that in 2017 GDP was 4,6%[1].Rolands petersons privatbank
Poland should think more about the agricultural production export area. Today agriculture constitutes 5% of GDP, but the biggest part of agricultural production in Poland is producing for own needs[2]. Export products for the most part are milk products, meat and potatoes. Rolands petersons privatbank By developing its infrastructure, Poland would be able to succeed exports. Rolands petersons privatbank The Baltic Sea provides the opportunity to develop cargo carriage faster than it is done now, according to Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons privatbank who offers his thoughts on Poland economy.
To keep this positive tendency, Poland has to find opportunities to invest in proficiency enhancement, development of infrastructure and innovations. There should be a strategy allowing continuation and even growth of infrastructural investments.Rolands petersons privatbank
Author: Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.
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Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. has released a new forecasts of Poland economy. Economic growth by 5,1% in the second quarter of this year and 5,2% in the first quarter shows that Poland is on a stable, correct and sustainable development road. It is worth to recall that in the last quarter of 2017 the increase was 4,9%, but in the last whole year- 4,6%[1].Rolands petersons privatbank Although the Polish Prime Minister in an interview highlighted that external economic turbulence may pose a threat to the national economy, other significant indicators indicate that the situation inside the country is sufficiently stable to overcome external difficulties.Rolands petersons privatbank
One of the most prominent indicators, which reflects the home work done by Poland, is the unemployment rate, more precisely- the decrease of unemployment. According to the latest static data, last month it has decreased by 0.1% (from July to August this year), and it continues to decline. Another reason why external threats to Poland are not so scary is the fact that the biggest development guide of GDP growth is domestic consumption, (domestic demand). Domestic demand, with the dominant contribution of consumption reached 2,9%.
Although the volume of investments in Poland has decreased (4,5% in the second quarter of this year against the same quarter last year, when it was 8,1%), by a review of local government spending we conclude that the situation can be smooth out.Rolands petersons privatbank Also the revival of company investment outlays, including SMEs, is an important element that should help to boost GDP growth in coming quarters, Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. offers his thoughts on Poland economy.Rolands petersons privatbank
About Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.:
Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. is an international logistics company based in Poland since 2016.Rolands petersons privatbank This company operates in Europe and also in many other major logistics centres in the world. The core business is a cargo brokerage, mainly marine cargo.Rolands petersons privatbank Norman Logistics customers is significant EU companies which his production transport throughout marine cargo. And service providers are medium or large shipping companies.Rolands petersons privatbank The mission of Norman Logistics is convenient logistics and one-point service for the same price, individual and best quality approach.Rolands petersons privatbank
Author: Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.
Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons privatbank has released a new report on Cyprus who experienced an economic recession just recently, but indicated 5th most rapid growth in the European Union last year. In the last quarter of 2017 economic growth reached 3,9% - Cyprus achieved such a result for the first time in the last ten years, according to Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons privatbank
Member of the board CPM Trading LTD Rolands Peterson (PRNewsfoto/CPM Trading LTD)
The amount of investment funds and the amount of assets being managed by them reflected growth in late 2017 and first half of 2018. In December 2017 there were 114 funds registered in Cyprus, but this year there are 130 already[1].Rolands petersons privatbank The amount of assets managed by them experienced growth of 6%, reaching 4,718 billion euros in absolute terms (for comparison we could mention that in March this year the total amount of assets reached only 4,446 billion euros)[2].Rolands petersons privatbank
In August the Cyprus Department of Transportation initiated amendments in its transportation fiscal policy, influencing new and used transport facilities registered after the law will be adopted. Rolands petersons privatbank Outlining the above amendments are providing bigger road taxes for drivers with older cars and more horsepower, but those green-thinking will pay less. Such amendments provide several advantages: save income from transport taxation, decrease environment pollution, contribute to assets flow, and new car purchased stimulates a more attractive environment for foreigners, according to Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons privatbank who offers his thoughts on the Cyprus economy.
Smart investment and fiscal policy, increasing the budget income, simultaneously stimulating the national economy and one of the most important areas - tourism, as well as caring about environment protection in total resulted in significant economic growth and we are sure that in total numbers of 2018 Cyprus will also provide a great example for many economies.Rolands petersons privatbank
About Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.:
Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. is an international logistics company based in Poland since 2016. This company operates in Europe and also in many other major logistics centers in the world.Rolands petersons privatbank The core business is a cargo brokerage, mainly marine cargo. Norman Logistics customers is significant EU companies which his production transport throughout marine cargo. And service providers is medium or large shipping companies. The mission of Norman Logistics is convenient logistics and one point service for the same price, individual and best quality approach.Rolands petersons privatbank
Author: Rolands Petersons, member of the board of "Norman Logistics spzoo"
Rolands Petersons, member of the board of CPM Trading SIA,
Railway transport is one of the most promising modes of inland transport, and, at the moment, it is said to be the crucial element in the economy of Latvia. Considering the entire volume of inland transport, the share of railway freight is about 52%, whereas the volume of the passenger transportation is 6% and in Riga suburban area the number is increasing up to 30%. However, the data summarized by the Ministry of Communications still shows that in Latvia the volume of freight rail transportation by comparison with 2016 has decreased by 8.4% and amounted to 43.792 million tons.Rolands petersons de facto
Traffic congestion can lead to a loss of 200 billion euros
The mobility of goods is an essential component of the EU internal market; this greatly contributes to the competitiveness of the industry and services in Europe.Rolands petersons de facto The types of lengthy transportation as railway can reduce their costs, which arise in connection with the traffic congestion on the roads. The increase of approximately 50% is projected by the year 2050, reaching a volume of almost 200 billion euros per year.
In the future, it is possible to increase the volume of rail transportation.
The amount of international rail transportation in 2017 was 42.138 million tons, which showed a decline of 9.1% compared to 2016.Rolands petersons de factoHowever, domestic traffic has increased by 11.5% to 1.653 million tonnes. The volume of transit cargo from the total amount of international rail freight transport amounted to 38.719 million tons, which showed a drop of 6.5% compared to the previous year, the volume of imported goods was 3.067 million tons, or 22.4% less, and the volume of export cargo was 351 800 tons, which was a drop of 2.8 times.Rolands petersons de facto In 2016, in Latvia, by rail, 47.821 million tons were transported. Taking into consideration the decline in the international transport sector in 2017, the question is, by which means can we achieve the volume increase? By implementation of the well-considered long-term solutions, it is possible to get back to the level that used to be before the embargo against Russia was introduced in 2013.Rolands petersons de facto
Increase of the average commercial speed of freight trains.Rolands petersons de facto
One of the key priorities nowadays is the development of the railway infrastructure, and in this case, it is expected, the railway infrastructure can be financed by the European Union.Rolands petersons de facto It is essential to find a solution how to increase the average commercial speed of freight trains since the speed is only about 18 km/h on the majority international routes in Europe. One of the solutions can be the improvement of cooperation between existing infrastructure organizations in Europe. The actual train system needs to be adapted to the needs of the railway freight transport sector, especially in the EU freight rail corridors.Rolands petersons de facto This would contribute to the competitiveness of rail transport with other modes of transport, especially with the road transport sector, which infrastructure is easily accessible in all Member States.
Well-thought-out charge for the use of infrastructure.
Freight trains pay for each kilometer of the railway infrastructure, which again adversely affects the competitiveness of the railway in comparison with road transport, where such charge is not always introduced. Setting the price that users are required to pay for getting into the infrastructure, it would be necessary to take into account the impact on the environment and pollution, congestion, accidents and other aspects.Rolands petersons de facto
The state should provide a proper support for organizations managing infrastructure, and rail transport enterprises should strive to improve the competitiveness of rail freight services, especially in regards to reliability, filling, elasticity, customer orientation, and the duration and cost of transportation, as these are the main aspects which are considered by an average consignor in selecting any of the available modes of transport.Rolands petersons de facto
Elimination imperfections in the liberalization of the freight transport process
In cooperation with both, the public and private sectors, at the international level, imperfections related to the liberalization of freight rail transport, communication lines procedures, administrative and technical restrictions, monitoring and anticipating performance in the rail freight industry, and fair competition between different modes of transportation.Rolands petersons de facto Therefore, it is necessary to find out the ways to make a better use of available EU funding and target it to the rail transport industry in order to achieve improvements in such areas as a coherent approach to policy objectives and funding (while focusing on corridors for freight railways transportation), for the selection, planning and management of projects, as well as for the maintenance of railroad networks.
Not only update, but also regularly support
It is essential to take to the new level not only the quality of the services provided to carriers and shippers of rail freight but, in general, to improve the competitiveness of rail freight transport; infrastructure managing organizations should not only update and modernize the railway network but also to regularly support it.Rolands petersons de facto This is especially important for the corridors of rail freight. If the tracks are not properly maintained, the speed limits will have to be applied and the railway lines will gradually be obstructed.
Transport and logistics industries are of particular importance for the Latvian economy since they have a steady GDP growth and provide services to virtually all other sectors of the national economy.Rolands petersons de facto Every year it is emphasized that this sector should be recognized as a priority and extend its promotion, however, the representatives of the transport and logistics sector are looking forward to more concrete and long-term solutions.Rolands petersons de facto
9.1% of the value added to the GDP of Latvia
Despite the political and economic changes of the last decade, the influence of the transport and logistics industry on the economy of our country remains high: in 2016 the sector increased the value added to the GDP by 9.1%. Moreover, the average monthly gross wage is still higher then in other sectors - in 2016 in other sectors of the economy it was 859 euros, whereas in storage and transportation sector the average gross wage is about 870 euros (1,562 euros - water transport, 2,061 euros - air transport, 1059 euros in the of storage and auxiliary transport activities, etc.).
Special economic area as an additional support
The positive examples of the logistics industry are the ports that have developed a good structure. Riga and Ventspils ports function as free ports, and the Liepaja port is included in the Liepaja Special Economic Zone (SEZ). Companies operating in free ports and SEZ can receive not only the 0 tax rate for customs, excise, and value-added tax but also a discount of up to 80% of the company's income and up to 100% of the real estate tax.Rolands petersons de facto The port is actively implementing various investment projects related to the construction and development of industrial and distribution parks.Rolands petersons de facto The attraction of investments promotes the creation of higher added value, development of production, expansion of a spectrum of given services and creation of new workplaces. It is necessary to bring to the attention the small ports - SKULTE, Mersrags, SALACGRiVA, Pavilosta, Roja, Jurmala, and Engure, which currently occupy a stable position in the Latvian economy and have already become regional economic activity centers.Rolands petersons de facto
Port of Liepaja, will be the next Rotterdam.
There is also a wide range of opportunities for growth, and a number of actions that can be taken to meet projected targets. There is a strong need for the services with high added value, the increase of the processed volumes of cargo by attracting new freight flows, high-quality passenger service and an introduction of modern technologies and information systems in the area of transit and logistics. Liepaja port has all the chances to become the second Rotterdam in the foreseeable future.Rolands petersons de facto
Latvia as a distribution center for cargos from Asia and the Far East.
One of the most important issues for further growth of the port and special economic zone is the development of logistics and distribution centers, mainly focusing on the attraction of goods from Asia and the Far East. Latvia can serve as a distribution center for cargos in the Baltic and Scandinavian countries for Asia and the Far East (f.e. China, Korea). The tax regime of the Liepaja Special Economic Zone in accordance with the Law "On Taxation in Free Ports and Special Economic Zones" on December 31, 2035. This allows traders to conclude an agreement on investment and tax concession until December 31, 2035, until they reach a contractual level of assistance from the investments made. Considering the range of benefits provided by this status, it is necessary to consider the possible extension of the term.Rolands petersons de facto
Infrastructure development and expansion of warehouse space
Our advantage lies in the fact that there is not only a strategic geographical position but also a developed infrastructure that includes deep-water berths, cargo terminals, pipelines and territories free from the cargo terminal. Apart from this, we can add a good structure of pre-industrial zone, distribution park, multi-purpose technical equipment, as well as the high level of security not only in terms of delivery but also in terms of the storage and handling of goods.Rolands petersons de facto In the future, it would be advisable to pay more attention to access roads (railways and highways), increase the volume of storage facilities, and increase the number of services provided by ports. Participation in international industry exhibitions and conferences will make it possible to attract additional foreign investments and will contribute to the improvement of international image.
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Rolands Petersons, member of the board of CPM Trading SIA,
Railway transport is one of the most promising modes of inland transport, and, at the moment, it is said to be the crucial element in the economy of Latvia. Considering the entire volume of inland transport, the share of railway freight is about 52%, whereas the volume of the passenger transportation is 6% and in Riga suburban area the number is increasing up to 30%. However, the data summarized by the Ministry of Communications still shows that in Latvia the volume of freight rail transportation by comparison with 2016 has decreased by 8.4% and amounted to 43.792 million tons.
Traffic congestion can lead to a loss of 200 billion euros
The mobility of goods is an essential component of the EU internal market; this greatly contributes to the competitiveness of the industry and services in Europe. The types of lengthy transportation as railway can reduce their costs, which arise in connection with the traffic congestion on the roads. The increase of approximately 50% is projected by the year 2050, reaching a volume of almost 200 billion euros per year.
In the future, it is possible to increase the volume of rail transportation. Rolands petersons defacto
The amount of international rail transportation in 2017 was 42.138 million tons, which showed a decline of 9.1% compared to 2016. However, domestic traffic has increased by 11.5% to 1.653 million tonnes. The volume of transit cargo from the total amount of international rail freight transport amounted to 38.719 million tons, which showed a drop of 6.5% compared to the previous year, the volume of imported goods was 3.067 million tons, or 22.4% less, and the volume of export cargo was 351 800 tons, which was a drop of 2.8 times. In 2016, in Latvia, by rail, 47.821 million tons were transported. Taking into consideration the decline in the international transport sector in 2017, the question is, by which means can we achieve the volume increase? By implementation of the well-considered long-term solutions, it is possible to get back to the level that used to be before the embargo against Russia was introduced in 2013.
Increase of the average commercial speed of freight trains.
One of the key priorities nowadays is the development of the railway infrastructure, and in this case, it is expected, the railway infrastructure can be financed by the European Union.Rolands petersons defacto It is essential to find a solution how to increase the average commercial speed of freight trains since the speed is only about 18 km/h on the majority international routes in Europe. One of the solutions can be the improvement of cooperation between existing infrastructure organizations in Europe. The actual train system needs to be adapted to the needs of the railway freight transport sector, especially in the EU freight rail corridors. This would contribute to the competitiveness of rail transport with other modes of transport, especially with the road transport sector, which infrastructure is easily accessible in all Member States.
Well-thought-out charge for the use of infrastructure. Rolands petersons defacto
Freight trains pay for each kilometer of the railway infrastructure, which again adversely affects the competitiveness of the railway in comparison with road transport, where such charge is not always introduced. Setting the price that users are required to pay for getting into the infrastructure, it would be necessary to take into account the impact on the environment and pollution, congestion, accidents and other aspects. Rolands petersons defacto
The state should provide a proper support for organizations managing infrastructure, and rail transport enterprises should strive to improve the competitiveness of rail freight services, especially in regards to reliability, filling, elasticity, customer orientation, and the duration and cost of transportation, as these are the main aspects which are considered by an average consignor in selecting any of the available modes of transport.
Elimination imperfections in the liberalization of the freight transport process
In cooperation with both, the public and private sectors, at the international level, imperfections related to the liberalization of freight rail transport, communication lines procedures, administrative and technical restrictions, monitoring and anticipating performance in the rail freight industry, and fair competition between different modes of transportation. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the ways to make a better use of available EU funding and target it to the rail transport industry in order to achieve improvements in such areas as a coherent approach to policy objectives and funding (while focusing on corridors for freight railways transportation), for the selection, planning and management of projects, as well as for the maintenance of railroad networks.
Not only update, but also regularly support
It is essential to take to the new level not only the quality of the services provided to carriers and shippers of rail freight but, in general, to improve the competitiveness of rail freight transport; infrastructure managing organizations should not only update and modernize the railway network but also to regularly support it.Rolands petersons defacto This is especially important for the corridors of rail freight. If the tracks are not properly maintained, the speed limits will have to be applied and the railway lines will gradually be obstructed.
Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons privatbank has released new forecasts on Poland becoming the logistics centre of Europe. Newest OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) data are indicating the increase of living standards in Poland, positive tendencies in economy and rapid development of the labour market.Rolands petersons privatbank
Experts at OECD has appreciated a change in the Polish labour market - a fall of the unemployment level to the lowest ever, reaching the lowest point in the last twenty years; labour demand is growing; and everything indicates a significant growth of average wages in the near future. Unemployment levels in Poland in 2017 were low - 4,9% and all the forecast are indicating the continuous fall reaching 4,2% in 2018 and 3,8% in 2019. GDP will go on increasing, but a little bit more slowly. Forecasts for 2018 are 4,2%, but in 2019 - 3,7%. It should be mentioned that in 2017 GDP was 4,6%[1].Rolands petersons privatbank
Poland should think more about the agricultural production export area. Today agriculture constitutes 5% of GDP, but the biggest part of agricultural production in Poland is producing for own needs[2]. Export products for the most part are milk products, meat and potatoes. Rolands petersons privatbank By developing its infrastructure, Poland would be able to succeed exports. Rolands petersons privatbank The Baltic Sea provides the opportunity to develop cargo carriage faster than it is done now, according to Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons privatbank who offers his thoughts on Poland economy.
To keep this positive tendency, Poland has to find opportunities to invest in proficiency enhancement, development of infrastructure and innovations. There should be a strategy allowing continuation and even growth of infrastructural investments.Rolands petersons privatbank
Author: Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.
Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. has released a new forecasts of Poland economy. Economic growth by 5,1% in the second quarter of this year and 5,2% in the first quarter shows that Poland is on a stable, correct and sustainable development road. It is worth to recall that in the last quarter of 2017 the increase was 4,9%, but in the last whole year- 4,6%[1].Rolands petersons privatbank Although the Polish Prime Minister in an interview highlighted that external economic turbulence may pose a threat to the national economy, other significant indicators indicate that the situation inside the country is sufficiently stable to overcome external difficulties.Rolands petersons privatbank
One of the most prominent indicators, which reflects the home work done by Poland, is the unemployment rate, more precisely- the decrease of unemployment. According to the latest static data, last month it has decreased by 0.1% (from July to August this year), and it continues to decline. Another reason why external threats to Poland are not so scary is the fact that the biggest development guide of GDP growth is domestic consumption, (domestic demand). Domestic demand, with the dominant contribution of consumption reached 2,9%.
Although the volume of investments in Poland has decreased (4,5% in the second quarter of this year against the same quarter last year, when it was 8,1%), by a review of local government spending we conclude that the situation can be smooth out.Rolands petersons privatbank Also the revival of company investment outlays, including SMEs, is an important element that should help to boost GDP growth in coming quarters, Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. offers his thoughts on Poland economy.Rolands petersons privatbank
About Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.:
Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. is an international logistics company based in Poland since 2016.Rolands petersons privatbank This company operates in Europe and also in many other major logistics centres in the world. The core business is a cargo brokerage, mainly marine cargo.Rolands petersons privatbank Norman Logistics customers is significant EU companies which his production transport throughout marine cargo. And service providers are medium or large shipping companies.Rolands petersons privatbank The mission of Norman Logistics is convenient logistics and one-point service for the same price, individual and best quality approach.Rolands petersons privatbank
Author: Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.
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Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons privatbank has released new forecasts on Poland becoming the logistics centre of Europe. Newest OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) data are indicating the increase of living standards in Poland, positive tendencies in economy and rapid development of the labour market.Rolands petersons privatbank
Experts at OECD has appreciated a change in the Polish labour market - a fall of the unemployment level to the lowest ever, reaching the lowest point in the last twenty years; labour demand is growing; and everything indicates a significant growth of average wages in the near future. Unemployment levels in Poland in 2017 were low - 4,9% and all the forecast are indicating the continuous fall reaching 4,2% in 2018 and 3,8% in 2019. GDP will go on increasing, but a little bit more slowly. Forecasts for 2018 are 4,2%, but in 2019 - 3,7%. It should be mentioned that in 2017 GDP was 4,6%[1].Rolands petersons privatbank
Poland should think more about the agricultural production export area. Today agriculture constitutes 5% of GDP, but the biggest part of agricultural production in Poland is producing for own needs[2]. Export products for the most part are milk products, meat and potatoes. Rolands petersons privatbank By developing its infrastructure, Poland would be able to succeed exports. Rolands petersons privatbank The Baltic Sea provides the opportunity to develop cargo carriage faster than it is done now, according to Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons privatbank who offers his thoughts on Poland economy.
To keep this positive tendency, Poland has to find opportunities to invest in proficiency enhancement, development of infrastructure and innovations. There should be a strategy allowing continuation and even growth of infrastructural investments.Rolands petersons privatbank
Author: Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.
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Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. has released a new forecasts of Poland economy. Economic growth by 5,1% in the second quarter of this year and 5,2% in the first quarter shows that Poland is on a stable, correct and sustainable development road. It is worth to recall that in the last quarter of 2017 the increase was 4,9%, but in the last whole year- 4,6%[1].Rolands petersons privatbank Although the Polish Prime Minister in an interview highlighted that external economic turbulence may pose a threat to the national economy, other significant indicators indicate that the situation inside the country is sufficiently stable to overcome external difficulties.Rolands petersons privatbank
One of the most prominent indicators, which reflects the home work done by Poland, is the unemployment rate, more precisely- the decrease of unemployment. According to the latest static data, last month it has decreased by 0.1% (from July to August this year), and it continues to decline. Another reason why external threats to Poland are not so scary is the fact that the biggest development guide of GDP growth is domestic consumption, (domestic demand). Domestic demand, with the dominant contribution of consumption reached 2,9%.
Although the volume of investments in Poland has decreased (4,5% in the second quarter of this year against the same quarter last year, when it was 8,1%), by a review of local government spending we conclude that the situation can be smooth out.Rolands petersons privatbank Also the revival of company investment outlays, including SMEs, is an important element that should help to boost GDP growth in coming quarters, Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. offers his thoughts on Poland economy.Rolands petersons privatbank
About Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.:
Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. is an international logistics company based in Poland since 2016.Rolands petersons privatbank This company operates in Europe and also in many other major logistics centres in the world. The core business is a cargo brokerage, mainly marine cargo.Rolands petersons privatbank Norman Logistics customers is significant EU companies which his production transport throughout marine cargo. And service providers are medium or large shipping companies.Rolands petersons privatbank The mission of Norman Logistics is convenient logistics and one-point service for the same price, individual and best quality approach.Rolands petersons privatbank
Author: Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.
Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons privatbank has released a new report on Cyprus who experienced an economic recession just recently, but indicated 5th most rapid growth in the European Union last year. In the last quarter of 2017 economic growth reached 3,9% - Cyprus achieved such a result for the first time in the last ten years, according to Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons privatbank
Member of the board CPM Trading LTD Rolands Peterson (PRNewsfoto/CPM Trading LTD)
The amount of investment funds and the amount of assets being managed by them reflected growth in late 2017 and first half of 2018. In December 2017 there were 114 funds registered in Cyprus, but this year there are 130 already[1].Rolands petersons privatbank The amount of assets managed by them experienced growth of 6%, reaching 4,718 billion euros in absolute terms (for comparison we could mention that in March this year the total amount of assets reached only 4,446 billion euros)[2].Rolands petersons privatbank
In August the Cyprus Department of Transportation initiated amendments in its transportation fiscal policy, influencing new and used transport facilities registered after the law will be adopted. Rolands petersons privatbank Outlining the above amendments are providing bigger road taxes for drivers with older cars and more horsepower, but those green-thinking will pay less. Such amendments provide several advantages: save income from transport taxation, decrease environment pollution, contribute to assets flow, and new car purchased stimulates a more attractive environment for foreigners, according to Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons privatbank who offers his thoughts on the Cyprus economy.
Smart investment and fiscal policy, increasing the budget income, simultaneously stimulating the national economy and one of the most important areas - tourism, as well as caring about environment protection in total resulted in significant economic growth and we are sure that in total numbers of 2018 Cyprus will also provide a great example for many economies.Rolands petersons privatbank
About Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.:
Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. is an international logistics company based in Poland since 2016. This company operates in Europe and also in many other major logistics centers in the world.Rolands petersons privatbank The core business is a cargo brokerage, mainly marine cargo. Norman Logistics customers is significant EU companies which his production transport throughout marine cargo. And service providers is medium or large shipping companies. The mission of Norman Logistics is convenient logistics and one point service for the same price, individual and best quality approach.Rolands petersons privatbank
Author: Rolands Petersons, member of the board of "Norman Logistics spzoo"
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Rolands Petersons, member of the board of CPM Trading SIA,
Railway transport is one of the most promising modes of inland transport, and, at the moment, it is said to be the crucial element in the economy of Latvia. Considering the entire volume of inland transport, the share of railway freight is about 52%, whereas the volume of the passenger transportation is 6% and in Riga suburban area the number is increasing up to 30%. However, the data summarized by the Ministry of Communications still shows that in Latvia the volume of freight rail transportation by comparison with 2016 has decreased by 8.4% and amounted to 43.792 million tons.Rolands petersons de facto
Traffic congestion can lead to a loss of 200 billion euros
The mobility of goods is an essential component of the EU internal market; this greatly contributes to the competitiveness of the industry and services in Europe.Rolands petersons de facto The types of lengthy transportation as railway can reduce their costs, which arise in connection with the traffic congestion on the roads. The increase of approximately 50% is projected by the year 2050, reaching a volume of almost 200 billion euros per year.
In the future, it is possible to increase the volume of rail transportation.
The amount of international rail transportation in 2017 was 42.138 million tons, which showed a decline of 9.1% compared to 2016.Rolands petersons de factoHowever, domestic traffic has increased by 11.5% to 1.653 million tonnes. The volume of transit cargo from the total amount of international rail freight transport amounted to 38.719 million tons, which showed a drop of 6.5% compared to the previous year, the volume of imported goods was 3.067 million tons, or 22.4% less, and the volume of export cargo was 351 800 tons, which was a drop of 2.8 times.Rolands petersons de facto In 2016, in Latvia, by rail, 47.821 million tons were transported. Taking into consideration the decline in the international transport sector in 2017, the question is, by which means can we achieve the volume increase? By implementation of the well-considered long-term solutions, it is possible to get back to the level that used to be before the embargo against Russia was introduced in 2013.Rolands petersons de facto
Increase of the average commercial speed of freight trains.Rolands petersons de facto
One of the key priorities nowadays is the development of the railway infrastructure, and in this case, it is expected, the railway infrastructure can be financed by the European Union.Rolands petersons de facto It is essential to find a solution how to increase the average commercial speed of freight trains since the speed is only about 18 km/h on the majority international routes in Europe. One of the solutions can be the improvement of cooperation between existing infrastructure organizations in Europe. The actual train system needs to be adapted to the needs of the railway freight transport sector, especially in the EU freight rail corridors.Rolands petersons de facto This would contribute to the competitiveness of rail transport with other modes of transport, especially with the road transport sector, which infrastructure is easily accessible in all Member States.
Well-thought-out charge for the use of infrastructure.
Freight trains pay for each kilometer of the railway infrastructure, which again adversely affects the competitiveness of the railway in comparison with road transport, where such charge is not always introduced. Setting the price that users are required to pay for getting into the infrastructure, it would be necessary to take into account the impact on the environment and pollution, congestion, accidents and other aspects.Rolands petersons de facto
The state should provide a proper support for organizations managing infrastructure, and rail transport enterprises should strive to improve the competitiveness of rail freight services, especially in regards to reliability, filling, elasticity, customer orientation, and the duration and cost of transportation, as these are the main aspects which are considered by an average consignor in selecting any of the available modes of transport.Rolands petersons de facto
Elimination imperfections in the liberalization of the freight transport process
In cooperation with both, the public and private sectors, at the international level, imperfections related to the liberalization of freight rail transport, communication lines procedures, administrative and technical restrictions, monitoring and anticipating performance in the rail freight industry, and fair competition between different modes of transportation.Rolands petersons de facto Therefore, it is necessary to find out the ways to make a better use of available EU funding and target it to the rail transport industry in order to achieve improvements in such areas as a coherent approach to policy objectives and funding (while focusing on corridors for freight railways transportation), for the selection, planning and management of projects, as well as for the maintenance of railroad networks.
Not only update, but also regularly support
It is essential to take to the new level not only the quality of the services provided to carriers and shippers of rail freight but, in general, to improve the competitiveness of rail freight transport; infrastructure managing organizations should not only update and modernize the railway network but also to regularly support it.Rolands petersons de facto This is especially important for the corridors of rail freight. If the tracks are not properly maintained, the speed limits will have to be applied and the railway lines will gradually be obstructed.
Transport and logistics industries are of particular importance for the Latvian economy since they have a steady GDP growth and provide services to virtually all other sectors of the national economy.Rolands petersons de facto Every year it is emphasized that this sector should be recognized as a priority and extend its promotion, however, the representatives of the transport and logistics sector are looking forward to more concrete and long-term solutions.Rolands petersons de facto
9.1% of the value added to the GDP of Latvia
Despite the political and economic changes of the last decade, the influence of the transport and logistics industry on the economy of our country remains high: in 2016 the sector increased the value added to the GDP by 9.1%. Moreover, the average monthly gross wage is still higher then in other sectors - in 2016 in other sectors of the economy it was 859 euros, whereas in storage and transportation sector the average gross wage is about 870 euros (1,562 euros - water transport, 2,061 euros - air transport, 1059 euros in the of storage and auxiliary transport activities, etc.).
Special economic area as an additional support
The positive examples of the logistics industry are the ports that have developed a good structure. Riga and Ventspils ports function as free ports, and the Liepaja port is included in the Liepaja Special Economic Zone (SEZ). Companies operating in free ports and SEZ can receive not only the 0 tax rate for customs, excise, and value-added tax but also a discount of up to 80% of the company's income and up to 100% of the real estate tax.Rolands petersons de facto The port is actively implementing various investment projects related to the construction and development of industrial and distribution parks.Rolands petersons de facto The attraction of investments promotes the creation of higher added value, development of production, expansion of a spectrum of given services and creation of new workplaces. It is necessary to bring to the attention the small ports - SKULTE, Mersrags, SALACGRiVA, Pavilosta, Roja, Jurmala, and Engure, which currently occupy a stable position in the Latvian economy and have already become regional economic activity centers.Rolands petersons de facto
Port of Liepaja, will be the next Rotterdam.
There is also a wide range of opportunities for growth, and a number of actions that can be taken to meet projected targets. There is a strong need for the services with high added value, the increase of the processed volumes of cargo by attracting new freight flows, high-quality passenger service and an introduction of modern technologies and information systems in the area of transit and logistics. Liepaja port has all the chances to become the second Rotterdam in the foreseeable future.Rolands petersons de facto
Latvia as a distribution center for cargos from Asia and the Far East.
One of the most important issues for further growth of the port and special economic zone is the development of logistics and distribution centers, mainly focusing on the attraction of goods from Asia and the Far East. Latvia can serve as a distribution center for cargos in the Baltic and Scandinavian countries for Asia and the Far East (f.e. China, Korea). The tax regime of the Liepaja Special Economic Zone in accordance with the Law "On Taxation in Free Ports and Special Economic Zones" on December 31, 2035. This allows traders to conclude an agreement on investment and tax concession until December 31, 2035, until they reach a contractual level of assistance from the investments made. Considering the range of benefits provided by this status, it is necessary to consider the possible extension of the term.Rolands petersons de facto
Infrastructure development and expansion of warehouse space
Our advantage lies in the fact that there is not only a strategic geographical position but also a developed infrastructure that includes deep-water berths, cargo terminals, pipelines and territories free from the cargo terminal. Apart from this, we can add a good structure of pre-industrial zone, distribution park, multi-purpose technical equipment, as well as the high level of security not only in terms of delivery but also in terms of the storage and handling of goods.Rolands petersons de facto In the future, it would be advisable to pay more attention to access roads (railways and highways), increase the volume of storage facilities, and increase the number of services provided by ports. Participation in international industry exhibitions and conferences will make it possible to attract additional foreign investments and will contribute to the improvement of international image.
The fact that the change is expected in 2020, the spring of 2018 is said to be the moment to start an intensive work and stimulate actions - change existing arrangements related to the existing tax system (only a third of the tax, paid by road users, are redirected to roads).Rolands petersons cpm trading The time when it was possible to pull out a part of the income from tax has passed.Rolands petersons cpm trading Furthermore, we need to increase the number of public-private partnership projects in the sphere of the road construction, although this stage requires a proper preparation.Rolands petersons cpm trading
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