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п»їProspecting Your Warm and Cold Market Effectively in Your Home Based Business

A Home Based business is like a traditional business when it comes to prospecting. All businesses need customers or clients. We will discuss how to accomplish that with warm market and cold market prospecting. Before a person becomes a customer they are referred to as a prospect.

Most people make the mistake of thinking everyone in the world is a potential prospect. Theoretically that may be true but by taking this scattergun approach you'll likely be disappointed with what you get.

By using that approach the people you will be dealing with likely will not want your product or service, or won't be able to afford it, or won't even be interested enough to learn about it.

You'll also be wasting an enormous amount of your precious time and likely a good chunk of your other resources like emotional energy and money.

As noted in a previous article I wrote called, “Choosing the Ideal Target Market for Your Home Based Business " - I am a firm believer at exploring yourself and your potential prospects to find you Ideal Target Market.

Ask yourself a series of well designed questions to discover what that market is like, where they congregate in your community, online, and what other interests that market might also have that you can tap into.

Warm Market Prospecting
Many new people in a home based business will be told to go after every single soul they know and ask for their business. This is referred to as your 'Warm Market'.

I think it makes sense to let all these people know that you are in business. After all, if you opened a new shoe store in town you'd likely do that right? The difference is you wouldn't expect everyone you know to drop what they are doing to come buy a new pair of shoes or to come work with you.

Too many people are expecting their friends and family to do just that. The result is they are often hurt by their negative responses, or we hurt the relationship because of the pressure we applied on them to purchase our product or service.

Approach your warm market in a gentle and lighthearted manor. Do not get attached to the outcome of your 'let's do business' invitation.

Here is a key to having the strength to last in your business for the long haul. Have full faith that you will find all the prospects you need to be successful but don't expect any one particular person to purchase from you or to follow you in your dream (hey, it's YOUR dream – not theirs).

The secret is learning to detach emotionally from the individual 'outcomes' of prospecting. Expecting your best friend to support you without being detached to the outcome can cause some serious upsets. You must allow people to choose their own path while staying true to your own.

Cold Market Prospecting
'Cold Market' prospects refer to everybody else in the world who you don't know. Like it or not, you'll likely find most of the people for your home business from the cold market.

The good news is that branching out into the cold market can be an incredible adventure. I strongly advise that you embody this perspective that it will be a wonderful opportunity to expand your world.

You'll be meeting all sorts of interesting people and hopefully developing many new relationships. You'll learn new things and truly grow as person.

People want to do business with people they know, like and trust. You become that person by reaching out to meet other people and being of service to them.

The internet offers a bunch of ways to attract prospects. Beware of spending a lot of money initially whether on Ad Words, banners, classifieds, etc. Instead explore internet forums, chat rooms, write internet articles to educate others about your field, and study the Web 2.0 trend of social marketing.

We all know that driving people to your website can also work wonders. Provide something of real value to your visitors in exchange for their email information. This will allow you to continue to add value to them which will build their trust and their business at some point.

Prospecting is a science, an art, and absolutely one of the most important elements in succeeding in your home based business. В 

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