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Dixie has invited her friend Star over for a cocktail and uses the opportunity to get a little flirty with Star and suggest that they have a 3-way with Dixie's boyfriend. Star is not interested and claiming that she's had sex with friends in the past and it never ends well and she wouldn't want to jeopardize their friendship, however Dixie knows that this is all an act because Dixie has found out that her boyfriend and Star are having an affair and Dixie's boyfriend has already broken up with her over it. Dixie's real plan is to punish Star for stealing her boyfriend and to have a little fun for herself in the process.Dixie feigns going in to grab a kiss but really she's prepared a rag with nap potion and uses it to put Star out. Once she's out, Dixie strips off all of her clothes and plays with her limp, naked body. Later, when Star awakes, she finds herself tied to a bed with her hands tied over her head and ankles tied together and wearing a strap-on. Dixie gags Star with a pair of panties and tape and then strips down to a pair of assless pantyhose and sits on Stars face while she sucks the strap-on and gets it nice and wet. She then peels off her stockings and slides Star's reluctant cock into her pussy and rides her cowgirl until she cums. Not yet finished with Star, Dixie ties her knees to her chest while she's still wearing the strap on and then puts her pantyhose over Star's head and leaves her there to struggle until she's ready for round 2
In a desperate attempt to find a good paying job, Alex has answered a babysitting ad posted by a married couple. Although she hasn't had a job for a year, she is hopeful that her babysitting experience will be enough to get the gig.Unfortunately for Alex, the odd, married couple can hear the desperation in her voice and decide to take advantage of it - to prey upon it. Satisfying their own perverted fantasies, they start testing how badly the young girl wants the job.I need to know that she really wants to work for us - dedication's really important, Fifi tells her husband. Alex is hesitant when the couple tells her to take off her shirt, and she nervously covers up.Look who's shy, Aiden says watching the poor girl wrap her arms around her chest. But unfortunately for Alex, the couple doesn't stop there. One little thing, becomes one piece of clothing after another, and Alex is mortified.When Alex is hesitant, the couple pressures her until she exposes herself again. To make matters worse for her, they tell her to shake her ass, and even go as far as to make her give a lap dance.Alex begs for the job, but still deciding on the matter, the couple makes her sit naked in front of them as they talk to her
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