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Качественно изготовленная гостиная стенка не должна иметь на своей поверхности сколы и царапины. Чтобы их обнаружить, нужно присмотреться к поверхности под углом. Недобросовестные производители часто допускают к продаже мебель с отреставрированными царапинами, их можно увидеть только при детальном рассмотрении мебели.

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Самая распространенная мебель - корпусная, изготавливаемая из древесно-стружечных плит. К ней относятся различные шкафы, кухни, стенки гостиные, прихожие. Разные производители предлагают продукцию разного качества, задача потребителя - изучить требования, предъявляемые к мебели и приобрести наиболее качественную модель. Перед тем, как купить мебельную стенку, рассмотрите ее кромки. Они должны быть наклеены на все торцы мебели, открытые торцы являются нарушением требований качества. Кромки не должны быть наклеены на слишком толстый слой клея, его цвет должен соответствовать цвету плиты. Обязательно нужно просмотреть все кромки на предмет отсутствия деформаций - это очень распространенный брак, если поклейка производилась с помощью неправильного оборудования. Деформированная кромка означает, что при наклейке был допущен ее перегрев.
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п»їThree Free Websites for Effective Event Promotion

Are you responsible for publicizing a special event? No matter what kind of event that you’re trying to market, if it’s open to the public, you’ll likely find that event promotion websites are a great way to let people know what’s going on without spending any money.
Three Easy-to-Use Free Event Promotion Websites
Whether you’re trying to let potential customers know about a grand opening for a new business, want to let members of the business community know about an upcoming association meeting, or if you want to make sure that supporters and potential donors know about a special event fundraiser that’s coming up, here are three event promotion websites that can help you accomplish your goals.
1. EventBrite
EventBrite.com is a powerful tool for publicizing events, including those that are fee-based as well as those that are free. Once you register for a free account, you can list any event that you want to publish, with full details about the event – at no cost. You can even accept event registration and payment through the site, which is a terrific option for companies that don’t have their own online event management or credit card processing system.
If you are promoting fee-based events and you choose to accept payments through the site, there is a per-transaction processing fee, as there would be with any online payment processing solution that you might use. It’s up to you whether the fee is passed on to attendees or if it comes out of the ticket price.
2. Eventful
Eventful.com also allows those who sign up for free accounts to post many types of events, including both no-cost options and those that are fee based. The site doesn’t include its own credit card processing system, but does allow for announcements to be directed to other sites where tickets can be purchased or reservations can be made. There is no cost for basic listings even though they provide powerful promotional opportunities for event marketers. You can add-on advanced promotional features for a fee.
3. American Towns
AmericanTowns.com is another powerful online resource for publicizing event. As soon as you set up a free account, you can add event announcements for free events as well as those that have an admission cost. The site doesn’t feature on-site registration or payment processing, but does allow event promoters to link announcements to a web page of their choice.
Publicize Your Events at No Cost
Using these websites is a great way to publicize special events without having to spend any money. While it’s best to utilize additional promotional strategies for optimal results, posting your events on these sites with well-written content and appropriate visuals is a great way to get started.


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