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1. Website ( )
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1. Step 1: Website (If you already have a website skip to step 2)
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Before doing this jump to step 3 to choose your niche related content, whatever you want.
2. Step 2: Leadbolt account
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Sign up for an account.
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Some ready to start methods
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Make a movie website or blog and post some short trailers on youtube . You can use camtasia(find it on torrent sites) to record from your desktop. Youtube traffic converts like hell. Thousands of people are searching everyday on youtube for free movies online, you don't want to be the one that misses out. The more videos you make, the more traffic you get. The more traffic, the more money... of course!
Go google it and grab some nude pictures of stars :) There are tons of hungry fans who would see their queen naked :)
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Go and grab some serials,cracks for softwares. (torrents,,
Get discount codes, vouchers.
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