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п»їA brief description about how to post free classifieds
Advertising through the use of classifieds is an effective way for individuals to garner sales for products and services in a forum that is, oftentimes, free of charge. This text-only mode of advertising uses short phrases and abbreviations to convey the main points about the purpose of the ads. Classifieds can be used to sell or purchase items, rent homes, solicit or seek services (i.e. cleaning, maintenance, babysitting) and even search for friendship or romantic connections.
 Outline the main points you want to put in your classified advertisement. Most free classifieds have strict word limits, so it is important to plan ahead to prevent leaving out any crucial information (i.e. prices, model names and numbers, contact information).
 Consider the subject of your ad and who the intended audience should be when choosing in which type of classified forum the ad will be most effective. Many local newspapers have space reserved for free classified ads, as well as some national magazines. Bulletin boards around your community can also be a great forum for posting a classified ad that is seeking to reach people within your specific town or city. The Internet, especially websites such as Craigslist or a site that is specific to your posting subject, will allow the person posting to reach a much wider audience. Ecommerce Guide also recommends sites such as 89classifieds, both of which are free, but the ads can be upgraded at a cost, if you want a "deluxe" ad with more-prominent placement on the site.
 Abbreviate and use acronyms when possible to maximize the amount of pertinent information you can fit into your ads. The classifieds lingo can be tricky at first, but most people who frequent the classifieds section understand the common abbreviations and terms. Even with the use of shortened words, classifieds are a very small space to express you, so it is crucial to be clear and concise.
 Post a picture to generate more interest and help illustrate your ad, if the forum allows for photographs. Most print classified sections are strictly text, but the Internet allows you more space to write in detail and include pictures, when appropriate.
 Be cautious with any personal information that you are divulging in free classified advertisements, such as address, phone number or email address. Because this is not a controlled environment, anyone can access this information. Consider creating an email address used just for your classified ads; this will help protect you and make it easier to keep your responses separate and organized from your regular email.
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п»їEasy Profits Using PPC In Your Affiliate Marketing Business
PPC is one of the four basic types of Search Engines. PPC is also one of the most cost-effective ways of targeted internet advertising. According to Forbes magazine, PPC or Pay Per Click, accounts to 2 billion dollars a year and is expected to increase to around 8 billion dollars by the year 2012.
Let us take a quick look at how PPC Search Engines work.
These engines create listings and rate them based on a bid amount the website owner is willing to pay for each click from that search engine. Advertisers bid against each other to receive higher ranking for a specific keyword or phrase.
The highest bidder for a certain keyword or phrase will then have the site ranked as number 1 in the PPC Search Engines followed by the second and third highest bidder, up to the last number that have placed a bid on the same keyword or phrase. Your ads then will appear prominently on the results pages based on the dollar amount bid you will agree to pay per click.
How do you make money by using PPC into your affiliate marketing business?
Most affiliate programs only pay when a sale is made or a lead delivered after a visitor has clickthrough your site. Your earnings will not always be the same as they will be dependent on the web site content and the traffic market.
The reason why you should incorporate PPC into your affiliate marketing program is that earnings are easier to make than in any other kind of affiliate program not using PPC. This way, you will be making profit based from the clickthroughs that your visitor will make on the advertiser’s site. Unlike some programs, you are not paid per sale or action.
PPC can be very resourceful of your website. With PPC Search Engines incorporated into your affiliate program, you will be able to profit from the visitor’s who are not interested in your products or services. The same ones who leave your site and never comes back.
You will not only get commissions not only from those who are just searching the web and finding the products and services that they wanted but you will be able to build your site’s recognition as a valuable resource. The visitors who have found what they needed from you site are likely to come back and review what you are offering more closely. Then they will eventually come back to search the web for other products.
This kind of affiliate program is also an easy way for you to generate some more additional revenues. For example, when a visitor on your site does a search in the PPC Search Engine and clicks on the advertiser bided listings, the advertisers’ account will then be deducted because of that click. With this, you will be compensated 30% to 80% of the advertisers’ bid amount.
PPC is not only a source of generating easy profits; it can also help you promote your own site. Most of the programs allow the commissions received to be spent for advertising with them instantly and with no minimum earning requirement. This is one of the more effective ways to exchange your raw visitors for targeted surfers who has more tendencies to purchase your products and services.
What will happen if you when you integrate PPC into your affiliate program?
PPC usually have ready-to-use affiliate tools that can be easily integrated into your website. The most common tools are search boxes, banners, text links and some 404-error pages. Most search engines utilize custom solutions and can provide you with a white-label affiliate program. This enables you, using only a few lines of code, to integrate remotely-hosted co-branded search engine into your website.
The key benefits? Not only more money generated but also some extra money on the side. Plus a lifetime commissions once you have referred some webmaster friends to the engine.
Think about it. Where can you get all these benefits while already generating some income for your site? Knowing some of the more useful tools you can use for your affiliate program is not a waste of time. They are rather a means of earning within an earning.
Best know more about how you can use PPC search engines into your affiliate program than miss out on a great opportunity to earn more profits.
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п»їPreventive behavior through social media
Organizations and individuals have opened their lives daily in the media because we want to be able to connect with others and feel part of something bigger than themselves. With this newfound transparency, however, comes responsibility.
Companies have to be careful what you choose to publish online because of the ease with which a message can be recorded and shared offensive. Employees and companies should also be cautious about their online activity.
Inappropriate activities can be recorded through the camera phone and can find its way onto the Internet, where they have the potential to spread at an incredible speed, tarnishing the reputation of the company and the brand. Most companies and individuals have learned from the mistakes of privacy of the media and as a result are being carried out in a more respectable.
If a person or an organization is not sure whether the materials in their social networking profiles are appropriate, they should ask whether or not comfortable with his mother or the board of directors looking into the profile. If not, then you may need to make some changes to your profile to make it less potentially offensive.
Social media also allows parents to have better control over the lives of their children. Teenagers are known to give one-word answers in response to the way that their days are, but online social networks allows parents to get an idea of what is really happening in everyday life your child.
Moreover, knowing that their parents can see their profile social media keeps many children engage in inappropriate behavior that can end up online. Social media allows dissatisfied customers to publish their complaints immediately, at the height of his frustration. This offers companies a unique opportunity to gain true insight of the problems customers face when using their product or service.
These comments are very easy to find in the media, the organization only has to find the name of your company, then read the comments and the resulting pages of negative mentions of your brand. Companies should evaluate this critical feedback and use it to improve its products and services while connecting with unhappy customers to solve the problems they face.
Absolutely should not do is try to manipulate or eliminate the negative comments about your brand as doing so makes the brand seem indifferent and makes it look like they have something to hide. Instead, efficient organization must address and resolve customer complaints.
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п»їCan Video Games Have a Positive Effect on Life?
"Dude, I just got pwned by Kt, can you rez me so I don't have to run back from the graveyard?" Does this sentence make any sense to you? Perhaps not, but to millions of online gamers, it makes complete sense. Online games, also known as MMORPGs (Massive Multi-player Online Role-Playing Games), allow people to play together online from anywhere in the world. All you need is internet service, the game, and you are "g2g" (good to go).
There have been many articles over the past decade on the destructive effects of video games and especially MMORPGs. Parents and spouses of gamers complain about the negative effects of video games all the time. But what about the positive effects of online games? I know what you're thinking "how can there be anything positive about playing video games?" The online games are more than just players running around shooting things. Online games are actual communities where people connect with each other via in-game chat, or form guilds (like a cyber club within the community) and even hook up and fall in love. I have years of experience being involved in these online communities and I can tell you that these people do more than just shoot things. For many people, these online games are the only social network they have available to them due to disabilities of one kind or another. Many of these people can not leave the house without difficulty, if at all, and so the online gaming community is the closest thing they have to connecting with people outside of their family. One woman, "Sue", has cancer of the spine and plays from her hospital bed. Another player, "Joe", is on permanent life-long disability due to a serious work injury that limits his mobility. The online community helps these people stay connected with others and keeps them from living a life of solitude.
Not only is it an active communication network for individuals who have little or no access to other people, but it also can bring families together. I know husbands and wives in real life who "quest" together in games. I even know a family of four who play MMORPGs, with all of them on their own computer in the living room, and all playing together. Playing interactively together makes family time more meaningful than sitting around watching television or a DVD.
Another positive effect of MMORPGs is that the games are devised where you need to work together with other players to complete quests. This means that players have to interact with each other and learn to work together to get something accomplished.
Video games and MMORPGs are also good workouts for the brain, unlike watching television which is a passive activity and doesn't really engage the brain. Research shows that keeping the brain active is one of several factors in decreasing the chance of a person getting Alzheimer's-games like word teasers, cross-word puzzles, video games-anything that makes you think instead of being passively entertained.
Video games and MMORPGs are like most other activities in life. You need to have moderation when playing games, just like moderation in the amount of hours you watch television, or moderation in your food portions, or moderation in whatever habits and hobbies you might have. The MMORPG communities are a viable way to connect with people from all over the world, or even within your own back yard.
© 2010 Lisa M. Duvall
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п»їHow I Coped with Anxiety on My First Corporate Trip as a Team Leader
When my boss told me that I’m going to be a team leader on the very first corporate trip, I felt excited. It was quite an honor and opportunity for me to show my skills. Honestly, this is how you show your superiors that you can lead your own project one day.
However, as the day of the trip grew closer, I started to feel uncomfortable. My palms started to sweat every time I thought about how I’m going to handle myself. Every night I would spend hours in bed going through various scenarios what can go wrong and how I’m going to humiliate myself.
My anxiety became so severe that I started suffering from insomnia and getting agitated easily. I was always tired and even considered coming up with a perfect excuse not to go. But there was always a part of me telling me I shouldn’t lose this opportunity and so I decided to put myself under control.
Anxiety is not something to take lightly. It can be a significant obstacle to person’s success and development. The moment you notice you have this problem, you should try and observe it rationally. Additionally, there are certain steps you can take to beat this predicament. The following were mine.
Make a planI decided that anxiety made me confused about what exactly is expected of me, so I made a plan. It started out as a list where I placed everything that came to mind about the trip. Since we were going to Sydney, I chose from interesting tours and nightlife offer.
For the start, don’t be detailed immediately. Consider all the ideas that you see fit for the team. Of course, not all team members are into the same stuff and that’s why simple things like sightseeing are a good idea. Since you will also attend corporate meetings and presentation, organize some relaxing breaks, like lunch in the well-known restaurant.
Later on, you will take a look at all the things you listed and through more thorough research you will be able to find the perfect ones. Have in mind the budget restrictions and try to adapt to it. In case you see anything worth the price, ask your superiors to approve it. Show the plan to your boss and if they agree to distribute it to your co-workers on the day of the trip.
Research your destinationSince we were traveling to Sydney, I wasn’t in an unfamiliar territory. However, since Sydney has a lot to offer I had to make the list shorter. Research is an important part when suffering from anxiety. Once I started going over the tours like to the Three Sisters on the Blue Mountain, I immediately started to feel more focused.
Since we booked north shore accommodations it was easier to start from there. Usually, the trip tires people and they like to get settled and sleep it off. But I considered offering an alternative so that some could choose to stay in their accommodations and others could go out in the Sydney night scene.
There were many interesting pubs with craft beer and all sorts of music, from jazz to DJ sets. I did some research and finally decided to play it safe. I chose Le Pub since it had burgers and beer on the menu. Also, it served vegetarian food, fine Australian wine and had a nice ambience to start the conversation.
In the end, it’s important to start feeling comfortable as a leader. The more information you have it will be easier to create a plan. Also, ask your colleagues what they want to see since that will point you in the right direction.
There is no “I” in teamYou’re not alone. The moment you accept that, you will start breathing a little easier. My anxiety, specifically, was connected to my fear of failure and desire to be liked by my peers. But that is not something to achieve if you isolate yourself.
Mistakes will happen so don’t observe them as signs of disappointment. You can learn from those and use them to be a better leader. You want to earn the respect of your peers by staying on the sidelines and observing. Talk to your team, dance with them, and try not to be too bossy. Being firm but with a positive attitude will turn you into a respectable and admired leader.
For example, when people started the discussion on where to go even though they had my plan before them. I was lucky enough that a colleague recognized my anxiety and stepped forward with reminding everybody we already had an itinerary.
This was something I should do, but I learned from the experience and soon started being more determined about my plan. The next day, everybody was excited to go hiking and even praised my plan. Therefore, you can find your voice, just like I did.
In the endThis is also your corporate trip. If you’re asked to plan it from scratch including travel arrangements and accommodations, don't be afraid. With good research and asking around, you will certainly come to the right decision. The more determined you are about something the less you’ll feel nervous and succumb to your flight instincts.
After all, I overcame my anxiety, so can you. It’s only a small obstacle on your way to success.
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п»їCan Video Games Have a Positive Effect on Life?
"Dude, I just got pwned by Kt, can you rez me so I don't have to run back from the graveyard?" Does this sentence make any sense to you? Perhaps not, but to millions of online gamers, it makes complete sense. Online games, also known as MMORPGs (Massive Multi-player Online Role-Playing Games), allow people to play together online from anywhere in the world. All you need is internet service, the game, and you are "g2g" (good to go).
There have been many articles over the past decade on the destructive effects of video games and especially MMORPGs. Parents and spouses of gamers complain about the negative effects of video games all the time. But what about the positive effects of online games? I know what you're thinking "how can there be anything positive about playing video games?" The online games are more than just players running around shooting things. Online games are actual communities where people connect with each other via in-game chat, or form guilds (like a cyber club within the community) and even hook up and fall in love. I have years of experience being involved in these online communities and I can tell you that these people do more than just shoot things. For many people, these online games are the only social network they have available to them due to disabilities of one kind or another. Many of these people can not leave the house without difficulty, if at all, and so the online gaming community is the closest thing they have to connecting with people outside of their family. One woman, "Sue", has cancer of the spine and plays from her hospital bed. Another player, "Joe", is on permanent life-long disability due to a serious work injury that limits his mobility. The online community helps these people stay connected with others and keeps them from living a life of solitude.
Not only is it an active communication network for individuals who have little or no access to other people, but it also can bring families together. I know husbands and wives in real life who "quest" together in games. I even know a family of four who play MMORPGs, with all of them on their own computer in the living room, and all playing together. Playing interactively together makes family time more meaningful than sitting around watching television or a DVD.
Another positive effect of MMORPGs is that the games are devised where you need to work together with other players to complete quests. This means that players have to interact with each other and learn to work together to get something accomplished.
Video games and MMORPGs are also good workouts for the brain, unlike watching television which is a passive activity and doesn't really engage the brain. Research shows that keeping the brain active is one of several factors in decreasing the chance of a person getting Alzheimer's-games like word teasers, cross-word puzzles, video games-anything that makes you think instead of being passively entertained.
Video games and MMORPGs are like most other activities in life. You need to have moderation when playing games, just like moderation in the amount of hours you watch television, or moderation in your food portions, or moderation in whatever habits and hobbies you might have. The MMORPG communities are a viable way to connect with people from all over the world, or even within your own back yard.
© 2010 Lisa M. Duvall
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Making money on YouTube is relatively simple. All that is needed is a video channel with regularly updated content. You have to add quality to your work to reap large rewards in your money making endeavors on YouTube. You must also set your work apart by doing things differently. Some YouTube tricks and tips to accomplish the above include:
1. Equipment and skills
The most popular videos on you tube are usually well shot and edited. You must invest in good quality cameras, video editing software, sound equipment etc. Some successful YouTube personalities have entire teams. Superior skills and equipment will go a long way in making you money.
2. Originality
This you tube trick entails being yourself. Having videos where your personality and opinions are brought out will definitely set you apart from someone rehashing editing and talking styles from other videos.
3. Service a niche
The most popular channels are about a given topic e.g. cars. This causes people to associate your channel with that topic therefore increasing your relevance and success. Being all over the place just confuses and repels watchers.
4. Add a humorous angle
This you tube trick entails making people laugh. It works even better if your channel deals with complicated or boring material e.g. politics. People frequent channels that make them laugh while offering valuable information. The humor should blend seamlessly into the content.
5. Short and sweet
Keep your videos very short and packed with information. This will leave the watcher yearning for more therefore capturing another subscriber. Long videos tend to be very boring while a short video stays relevant and interesting.
6. Have a signature
This is one of the most effective YouTube tricks and tips out there. Develop a catchy way of saying things. This phrase will stick in a watcher’s mind causing him to visit your channel more often. You just need to look at videos made by YouTube stars to see the effectiveness of this you tube trick.
7. Ask questions
This simple you tube trick increases interaction between you and the watchers. Asking for opinions and suggestions makes watchers feel important therefore resulting in an increase in subscriptions.
8. Giveaways and contests
This simple you tube trick can increase your subscribers and comments tenfold. You can give away t shirts or other simple gifts to watchers provided they accomplish a simple task e.g. suggesting your channel to their Facebook network, tweeting the video URL etc. Doing this on the regular will do wonders for your reach.
9. Use eye catching headlines
This is another of the most effective YouTube tricks and tips. Eye catching headlines attract the most attention from watchers. This you tube trick will work on any topic. Find a balance between sensationalism and truthfulness.
10. Be interested in your community
Your watchers will also watch, comment on and like other videos apart from your own. Some will even have their own channels and videos. Commenting and liking their videos will make them notice you and your work. They can also return the favor by suggesting your channel to their subscribers.
11. Go off-topic
You should occasionally make a video that’s completely unrelated to the channel’s topic. For instance, if you have a channel on technology, make a random video on a new car. This just serves to refresh the watchers.
There are many other YouTube tricks and tips you could incorporate into your work. Success on YouTube is determined by creativity and originality.
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п»їTonal Harmony in Oil Painting
In the past tonal harmony has been a common practice amongst master artists. This practice however, has spanned and extended into an extent much more difficult to comprehend today. The techniques in the past had been to aim for the harmony of tones, for example gaining a pleasing pattern in balancing light and dark. Some have added a yellowing varnish to paintings which spoiled many effects applied in painting that led most people to prefer livelier colours. Nevertheless the value of tones still remains crucial and is essential in the majority of paintings. If an artist observes and studies past master works containing tonal harmony, the artist trains the eyes to properly appreciate many artworks.
There are modern and traditional artists, both working in different and distinct ways that achieved great effects in their paintings. The implication of the source of light and portraying how objects appear to be under the source of light were inescapable in the traditional way of painting. In the traditional way of art, all depictions had to convince the eyes of viewers and make sense to them. Apart from that, the presence of tones in paintings meant a painting automatically assumed its own distinct aesthetic dimension. This is to say that tones are an imperative element in composition. Modern artworks however set themselves on high tones, and have a much smaller range of tones compared to the traditional way of painting.
Some general principles about tonal harmony are the light and shadow of a painting, and the use of colours to achieve harmony in oil painting. Light and shadows are present in the world, and same it is in painting, these entities exist in all paintings since paintings are a reflection of life and the world. The concept of light and shadows are encapsulated in the highlights in a painting. The brighter surface where the source of light hits an object is known as a highlight, and highlights appear when there is a change of direction of a plane. Artists should observe and imagine what is happening and paint highlights according to what is observed or imagined. Another factor that relates directly to the lighting in paintings is that viewers always centre their interest on the light so artists should consider shaping highlights to lead the eyes of viewers as the artist desires. Controlling tones is much more abstruse and difficult as compared to colours, so artists should try to keep tones simple and work tones out beforehand. As for using colours to achieve tonal harmony in an oil painting, there are several things artists need to consider in applying colours to their paintings, for example artists should try using more colours to achieve brightness rather than merely using white, and artists should be careful while picking on transitional colours as the selected colours should not be noticeable. These general principles, if worked out properly can have a great effect on an artist's oil painting.
Beyond the basic principles are practical experience and observations of the artworks of past master artists. Artists will pick up more experience as they venture into the oil painting world since a sense for tonal harmony comes through experience and by observing the works of past master artists.
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Thе advantage оf аn instant approval payday loan iѕ thаt it dоеѕn't involve muсh timе аnd it iѕ free оf complex paper work.
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