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I relax and smoke a bowl after a fun night on cam. Still in my purple pigtails, dark lipstick, heavyy eye makeup, and my pasties, I enjoy teasing you with my lips and breasts in between hits. Watch the smoke trail out and across across my purple lips as my hands tease my body. (And I'm way excited about showing off my Jack Skellington pipe!)
Katy Kiss is Sexy and Seductive! Around her neck is a collar, and no one but she can hold the key!
Remember way back before digital TV and thousands of porn sites on the internet? There was faithful Channel 99. This is a novelty video, featuring me giving a blowjob, tit job and fucking in numerous positions! It’s meant to be tacky and nostalgic! Just such a fun video to make
Made a custom video for James so expect to hear that name during the video.It features me basically just enjoying myself and cumming
You come over and im feeling so horny wearing my sexy lingerie i show off for you stripping down to just my panties. i show off my naked body from my angles as i finger my pussy and make myself so wet until i creamy cum all over my panties! oops
A side view of me trying to deep throat my dragon tongue
I know how much you love my full bush of hair on my pussy. Look how thick and full it has gotten! I want you to see how wet and creamy I can make my hairy pussy for you. In this video you'll get a close up look while I finger fuck my hairy cunt and make it dripping wet and creamy.
I fuck's Diana's mouth and then I put her doggy style and fuck her pussy hard. (DCNET0044
It's been so long since I've seen you, and we sure have a lot to catch up on. You haven't seen my new house, or even met my boyfriend yet! Oops, did I forget to mention on the phone that I have a boyfriend now? I know we used to hook up back in the day, and I admit, you are still as hot as ever... But I'm really trying to be faithful to my boyfriend! However... if you're down for it, I have one idea on how we could have fun. Is masturbating together considered cheating?
just my way of entertaining your cock joi included
Starting off I rub myself in my sweet lilac coloured panties, Spreading my pussy lips a little. Then use that pretty pink vibrator you bought until I come. Then finish it by having a wee accident and soaking my panties ;)*pussy freshly waxed prior to video
I am so sweaty... I need to change from my jog. I better grab some new panties... UMMMM do these have cum in them? I sniff them... OMG THEY DO HAVE FUCKING CUM IN THEM! That little pervert! That's it I've had enough! Hey bro wtf are you... ummmm wow what are you doing in here? you are sweaty and have a pillow on your lap lmao ARE THOSE MY PANTIES! I fucking knew it! You like your older sister don't you? You want me don't you? you want to cum in me... make babies! it's so weird its kinda hot! THIS VIDEO IS SUPER BROTHER SISTER TABOO
Your naughty redheaded maid has been teasing you ever since you hired her to clean up your apartment while your wife is away on a business trip. She always wears kinky, see through outfits, and bends over right in front of you with no panties on. She's determined to get your cock one way or another, but you keep ensuring her that it won't happen because you're faithful to your wife. After she leaves for the day, you find an email from her with a video attached. The email simply says We'll see how long you can resist me after this. Your cock gets hard at the thought of the maid sending you a video! You know you shouldn't watch, but secretly it's been nearly impossible for you not to bend her over the table and fuck her like the dirty slut she is ! You click the link and open the video, it's titled Cock Thirsty Maid. The Video starts out with your naughty maid laying in front of you with her legs spread wide! She's rubbing her wet pussy through her panties and teasing you like never before! You can't believe she went as far as to send you a video like this, but you cant stop watching! She slides her panties down and begins massaging her clit with her vibrator! She moans in pleasure and smiles because she knows you'd be watching! She then pulls out a dildo and straddles it! She bounces up and down on the cock while still massaging her clit. You can see just how wet her pussy is getting as it drips down her thighs! She was right, you can't resist her now! And you'' probably spend the rest of the night jerking off to that cock thirsty maid, just thinking about the things you're going to do to her tomorrow
I borrowed my roomates shower. Dried my hair and made myself pretty and I walk out in the room and there he is standing in only in his boxers and looking all naughty.. I kneel in front of him and oh did I mention I am naked ;) I kneel and kiss his boxers...feel his cock growing fast...kiss his tummy and pull down those boxers down and take a quick taste of his cock in my mouth and he moans out in pleasure and wanna fuck my mouth straight away. I let him...let him use my mouth.. fucking it hard til i gag/shoke on it! I suck, I lick... I rubb his cock til the edge....when he cant hold it...he holds my head with his hands and ram my mouth has hard as he can and cum deep down my throat, then pulls out and let me lick up the rest of the cum...I'm an excellent roomate ;)
Custom Balloon Video (no personal names used)One time, I came home and saw that my daughter invited some friends over. They had a small party and they brought balloons with them. They inflated them and played balloon games. When the friends left, they left all the balloons...Why didn't you pop the balloons? I asked. A few popped, these ones stayed. Look how big they are!! she said. She started batting the balloons around, and throwing them in the air. I caught one and said, Hey! Clean the living room before you play with any of the balloons! She said, Please, I want to play with them...Fine, I am going to pop all the balloons! No? Well, first you clean this mess you left... and then you can play with the balloons. I am not kidding! I will get rid of all your balloons. Now go and clean!She started cleaning, but a few seconds later, I saw her bouncing a balloon on her head. I came to the living room. Grabbed a balloon... and POP!Remember what happened after your birthday? You misbehaved... and what did I do?!? Yes, I popped all of your balloons. Obviously you didn't learn your lesson! So... now I am going to pop all your balloons. Pop!She started cleaning, and I went to the kitchen for a while. When I was coming out, she was kicking the balloons, and one of them flew right for me! I didn't think twice! I grabbed a pencil from the counter.... pop!I looked up and saw some balloons scattered in the living room. I took the pencil... I am going to show you now, what happens when you don't do as I say! I walk angrily over to a balloon and push pop the balloon with the pencil. No more balloons for you! Pop! Tell your friends tomorrow, that your mom taught you a lesson, and she popped all of your balloons! Pop! Next time I ask you to do something, you do it! Otherwise.... Pop! ... I will make all your balloons go BANG!Now, where are the rest of the balloons? There were more!!! I am teaching you a lesson. Are they in your room? ... Let's go check! I walk into her bedroom. So, how about these? Let's get rid of them! I hold the pencil onto a balloon. Have you learned your lesson? ... Are you sure? I take a step back as if I'm about to leave the room. You know what? I am not sure... I am going to make holes in them! Pop! Pop! Pop! Now I am sure....
You said you wanted to have a threesome with Us. You didn't realize it would mean giving up your manhood for good! We pull out a chastity device and tell all about your new life in chastity. It's the only way We are interested in having anything to do with you!NIKKI SEBASTIAN, JULIE SIMONE, MEAN GIRLS, CHASTITY, FEMDOM POV, FEMALE SUPREMACY, FEMALE DOMINATION, DOUBLE TEAM, TEASE AND DENIAL
Blowjob, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl & cum in mouth - all from his POV
just a girl getting ready in the bathroom.....and then....pee and light play.
D.Va is upset after her embarrassing loss on cam. So she pulls out her favorite pink toy and fucks herself with it. :3 (I also have other D.Va videos!) Watch me live at: http://ambersonata.com, and I hope you cum hard from my video! (: <3
My b/f & I were out for a morning hike in the hot Arizona desert while on vacation in the middle of summer. Thinking we were alone, Scott decides to film a sneaky sex scene. I suck his hard cock then I take off my shorts & panties. Suddenly there is a car & some people very close by! We duck down low until the strangers pass by. Scott fucks me doggystyle & my titties swinging to & fro. I get rewarded with a huge hot wet load of cum to my face & mouth! I swallow most of it like a good girl & wears the rest on my face while I play with my pussy & Scott shows you the beautiful view of the desert & Superstition mountains. Filmed in High Definition
I let a friend jerk off on my feet then cum all over my heels
Dakota just bought this beverage that supposedly gives mind-control powers to your butt-hole. Bailey thinks that Dakota got ripped off and there is no way that it would work. But Dakota keeps begging Bailey to look at her asshole and find out if it really does have magical powers. Voila! It worked! … Dakota starts by making Bailey lick her asshole. She even makes Bailey shove her face in her ass so Dakota fart, but.. poof! The fart switched whose butt-hole is in control. Now it's time for Bailey to return the favor and have some butt fun with Dakota…
Custom video I did of me in yoga pants pulled up over my belly button and a tank top slapping my big soft belly. Watch it ripple wiggle wobble & jiggle. I slap it slow, medium & fast. It gets red from smacking it & I show you closeup how red it gets & slap it some more. If you love sexy fat girls with lots of curves & a huge soft apron belly then you will love this video! Download it now!Includes: belly fetish, apron belly, bbw, ssbbw, fat, tummy, stomach, cellulite, stretch marks, big butt, yoga pants, eye glasses, non nude, curves, curvy, loud smacking belly noises & so much more
I made this for an amazing buyer called Brad i can make you one just like this.I run icecubes all over my hard nipples and pierced Pussy and then fuck myself hard and then Cum all over the place.I then suck my toy with a very cold mouth
You look across the room, and you see a girl sitting alone. But what she's doing under the table, you'll never guess. You start to get the sneaking suspicion she might be sexting or looking at porn on her phone and just can't help herself. You decide you should move a bit closer and get a better look
The title says it all. After he cums, he picks up the camera to get a good POV shot of me looking into the camera and sucking the last bits of cum off my fingers. **This video was shot in HD**
I rip my sheer pantyhose so I can finger myself until I cum wearing heels and red lipstick .

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