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Your sister was at the party.She had a few shots but not only that,someone slipped something in her cup.Luckily she came home before, who ever that was, did anything to her.She wasn't even aware it happened.All she knew was that she's feeling funny and dizzy, and horny like never before.She couldn't stand it, that aching desire to feel a cock trusting deep inside her pussy.She walked straight into your room,trying to wake you up.She was determined to get a cock,even if it's her brothers'.You told her to go to her bedroom.You can't have sex with her,that was wrong.But she wouldn't take no for an answer.She started taking her clothes off,she even pulled your pajamas down.You told her to put her clothes back on and get out...but she just kept giggling and taking her clothes off.There she was,naked,on all four,with her pussy and asshole right in front of you.Begging you to fuck her,telling you how much she needs your cock.You just couldn't take it anymore,you had to do it,it was too hard to resist.Oh, her pussy felt so good,and hearing her beg for your cock felt even better.You grabbed her legs and flipped her over to her back,then slid your cock in her again.She was about to cum,moaning loud,you had to cover her mouth with your hand so your parents wouldn't hear.She came hard,but you still haven't, it was too risky to cum inside her.But she wanted your cum,so she got down on her knees and begged you for it,begged you to cum all over her tits and hard nipples.And you have
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