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While pumping up balloons to have some popping fun, Kassey Starr comes to a realization that she's never pumped a balloon until it popped. Watch her experience her very first balloon pump to pop.
A recorded g/g group show on MyFreeCams. I start by playing with Codi's large, beautiful tits, sucking and rubbing on them before telling her how every guy is stroking his cock while thinking about fucking her tight holes. Then I go in for my first taste of her while she begs me to let her cum
Hi! My name is Tara, and I'm a southern girl with a huge ass and a cream pie fetish. It sounds innocent enough, but it seems to get me into a lot of trouble! The minute you whip out your cock and put it in my mouth I know I have to drain it with my pussy. I hope you enjoy the encouragement along the way
Ready to get mindless and stroke as you're goddess commands you to? That's a good piggy, breathe it in deep whenever Jackie tells you to, you're going to get so weak for Jackie. Bring pop pers, lube, and a toy if you're ready to take the ride of your life
You're just another clip binging ADDICT! Admit it, you've got a Goddess Marley problem but doesn't that problem just feel too good to stop? You don't know how you got here. One minute you're buying one clip and the next you're buying ten and binge watching me! You love the way I tease you, humiliate you, make you edge, and keep you begging for more. Just keep buying addict, maybe at the end of this one I'll let you cum!
It was a chilly day, perfect weather for wearing a warm soft cozy turtleneck sweater... Mmmm. So naturally I decided to film a lil teasing clip in my sweater. I know how weak you get for soft knit sweaters. Watch me tease you as I tug, pull and rub myself all over in my soft turtleneck sweater, describing the softness, encouraging you to stroke to my knit sweater, only wishing you could touch how soft it would feel around your hard throbbing dick!Clip Contains: sweater fetish, joi, masturbation encouragement, cock tease, femdom pov
Kneel in front of me while I dangle my shiny colorful pumps in your face. The shorts I'm wearing leave my long smooth legs completely bare. My shapely legs are always perfect but they look even better when I'm wearing high heels. I sit above you on a tall stool, cross-legged, one foot at your eye level so that you may properly admire each perfect size 9 foot. Let the rest of the world melt away as you focus on my long smooth legs and amazing feet in sexy high heels. I say nothing to you as I dangle the heels in front of you teasingly; first from one foot and then from the other. At times, I let the shoe dangle from my foot so drastically that it is barely hanging on by my toe. Other times, I pull it in close to my foot and the movement of my foot swaying back and forth causes the shoe to gently tap my soft sole repeatedly. Shot in 720p with no talking
It seems as if you've woken up this morning with a bit of a hard-on, and who can blame you when you've slept next to Violet all night long?-Making sure to not disturb Her, you wait patiently for Violet to wake up. As Her eyes begin to open, She bids you good morning and Her hand happens to land on your cock, which is already nice and hard for Her. She giggles, and comments on how She could go for some breakfast in bed- She quickly gets to work, wrapping her full lips around the head of your big cock, and pulling down the blanket so you can stare at Her perfect ass. Her hands stroke your cock expertly as She looks into your eyes, sticking out Her tongue, and applying pressure to the underside of your throbbing head, making sure to keep it slippery under Her fingers. Biting Her lip, She starts using both hands, overloading your senses while She again spits on your cock. Watching Her mouth wrap around you is almost enough to make you blow your load, but you hold off, wanting Her to continue playing with every inch of you. With Her feet crossed, and Her eyes closed, you can tell that She is enjoying this almost as much as you are- You cum in Her mouth and all over Her hand, which She takes the time to lick clean, making sure to make eye contact with you as She does. She knows just how much you love that
Custom: It's abit weird but I would like you to do one like your Wide smile and drooling in which you bring your face very up close to your camera and do this certain face expression... Basically have your eyes open very widely and do a big crazy looking teeth showing smile. But could you spit/drool ALOT, like gathering lots of spit in your mouth and then slowly drooling through your teeth as you do it too or stick your tongue out and crazily shake lots of spit off from your tongue.Try to hold that face expression for awhile or for as long as you can then repeat. If you could also inbetween you doing it act like your watching me as I masturbate and crazily encourage me to cum. That would be super hot!If that's ok then I would you to make the vid 3 or 4 minutes long please.
me and another stranger fucking me and breeding me. nice big dick fucking me doggy and on my back. fucks me so hard the headboard bangs up against the wall.
Purchase the prequel, Spanks For Late Homework. Does not use a personalized name. This video uses the name Tyler.Since I received the disappointing note from your teacher, I've been doing some thinking. This is tough for me to say, but you're going to have to learn. It seems like you don't realize how serious of an issue this actually is. Mommy thinks you need a reality check. A plan is going to be put into place a.s.a.p. I have decided you are to get spankings every Saturday morning. The harshness will depend solely on your behavior throughout the week.. have you gotten in trouble at school.. have you talked back or been resistant to me.. have you completed and turned in all of your homework? Every Saturday morning, I will wake you up and order you to the living room at once. I will use whichever tools I deem necessary on that specific Saturday. Wether it be paddle.. stick.. belt.. barehand.. You will receive the spanks exactly how I feel they are due. Today, you will be receiving 100 spanks. 50 will be administered with the paddle; the second with the belt. Do not try to fight these Tyler, or it will be much.. MUCH worse. You are the decider of your own destiny from now on.(Adult Diaper/Spankings
What could be more relaxing than masturbation in a warm, candlelit bath? Full of moaning and pleasure-stricken faces as I tease you and myself with my powerful Lelo wand vibrator, letting the hot water lap at my skin and caress my glistening wet body.
Recorded from night of 5/27 on cam. I fuck myself hard in several positions and decide to add my Hitachi for a really intense orgasm. I get soooooo super creamy as I fuck my tight pussy with my realistic cock until I cum. This is the type of stuff you're missing if you haven't caught me on cam yet! ;)
I like to bend over and get it from the back. This, we know. Enjoy me fuck my fat meaty pussy as I bend over the bed, into a HUGE wet squirt. They don't call me a powerhouse squirter for nothing. That wasn't enough. I had to go deep and fast in my asshole until my ass cheeks flexed and I came super hard. Enjoy!
Young brunette gets horny while outside.. you can assume the rest
** ALL AUDIO IN THIS VIDEO CUTS OFF AT 4:22 **After doing the dishes, I get super horny in the kitchen! I show off my ass in little blue shorts and start stripping. I suck your nice hard cock. I take off my bra and panties to show you my nude body. Shake my ass in your face and start rubbing my pussy. It feels SOO good!I take a seat on your cock and start riding you hard. I lay back in the seat and let you slide your cock inside my tight wet pussy until I SQUIRT! My whole body shakes while my pussy juice is dripping down on the floor.I jerk you off before I climb on and fuck you on the floor. I fuck you all sorts of ways. I make myself SQUIRT (in streams) making the biggest mess on the kitchen floor. My legs are trembling from being fucked SOO good. :)
Featuring: car, car sex, masturbation, squirt, squirting, glass dildo, dildo, dildo fucking
I start off my dancing and shaking my ass for you. Teasing you with glances up my skirt and with little spanks. This all leads up to me playing with my wet kitty just for you.
There's nothing quite like the feeling of the intense hitachi vibrations inside me. Most intense orgasms usually happen with that bad boy inside me.
I wake up, confused, naked. My eyes are covered and my hands and legs are bound to a chair. I hear the door open, I sense that the lights have been turned on, I know you're here! I make desperate pleas to you, please let me go, please untie me, but to no avail. The desperation begins to increase when I realize that not only can I not get out of the chair, but I now have to urinate so bad. I wiggle, kick, and strain to get out, but I'm compelled to empty my bladder and wet all over myself. I feel the warmth in the seat, I feel it as it begins to trickle down my legs, and I hear it as it begins to drip onto the floor. I feel so angry and humiliated to know that you sat and watched me lose control of my bladder and have an accident all over myself.
I can't get enough so I use them all. FYI first time I use my butt plug
Topless while giving you close ups of my pretty toes with new sleek polish and dirty talk with some JOI encouragement added in. Listen to me purr while you cum on my beautiful toe
Hey loser boy, aren't I kind to let you worship Me in these shiny leggings? Go ahead and get on your knees and jerk it for this juicy ass while I show off. I know you want to feel it, but that's not going to happen! However, I'm willing to give you a peek of My bare ass in all its glory when it's time for you to cum... if you agree to show Me what I want to see. That's right... I think it's fun to make losers like you eat their cum. I know you can't resist.
Secret video! Watch me fuck myself and get SUPER creamy in this site exclusive.
This video starts off with the full body tease from head to toe. Then see my reactions waistup as I get off over and over with my hitachi
Surprise Hubby! Happy Birthday! You're in for such a treat. We both know this arrangement that we have is going pretty well. You give me everything I want and I go out and fuck whoever I want. Thats what happens to little cucky hubbys like you. It's such a shame too cause if you were a real man you'd be getting birthday sex...but thats not you. In fact for your treat I went out and got my pussy filled with a big huge load of cum and it's waitng here just for you hubby. Do you want to come clean it out? Come here and be my little clean up boy and you better make me cum while you lick it all out! Since it's your birthday I'm goin to let you stroke your cock and let it cum for one last time. Close your eyes....I've got one last surprise for you. Do you know what this is??? It's time to lock up your cock up hubby. Once it's locked only I will have the key. It might even be a whole nother year before your cock comes out again to play. i hope you enjoyed your last orgasm!
You can stroke all you want during this video while I tease you, showing off my gorgeous body, my sexy curves, and these lace trimmed panties. Keep on stroking and stoking while you stare. Get yourself close for me. Get right on the edge and stay there... that's right, edge yourself for me...
You've had issues with your wife for a long time now. You've been begging Me to help you and because I'm sick of your whining, I've come up with a solution: you will be leaving your wife to be with Me. It's easy to convince you... you are My slave, after all. Why would you try to displease Me?Mesmerize, Homewrecker, Goddess Worship, Femdom
This is a simple request clip. I'm wearing my favourite pair of black yoga pants, with a cute cheetah top. I go into downward facing while you can see my full body. I hold the position for a bit, then stand up, put my hands on my hips and shake my booty side to side. Then I bend over ass to the camera and touch my toes and hold it. I do this a little closer, repeating all the same steps, then again quite closeup on my behind. Enjoy
My purple nails can be very distracting. I want to put some imagery in your head. I want you to imagine that my nails are racking all over your body and balls. Can you feel them? I am going to tap, tap, tap my nails on a hard surface because I know the sound takes you over the edge. Come prepared
Mistress has something special in store for you this time. It doesn't matter if it's what you want - it's what Mistress wants to do to you. And you're a good little pet, right? So you'll do what she says, won't you? First, she'll dress you in a pretty pink garter belt. That way your thigh high stockings will stay up. Oh yes, you'll be wearing stockings. Two, pretty, pure white thigh high stockings. You'll roll the silky stockings up and over your legs and then clip them in to the garter belt. Imagine it. Mistress has you wearing nothing but some lace, elastic, and pretty stockings. What a good slut. Don't worry, there's more. Mistress wouldn't let you go out to a party underdressed. She'll have you slip on a pair of shiny, pink satin thong panties. That way everyone can see your dainty ass. There's more. You also get to wear a pretty, pink satin corset that laces up the back. It has cute bows all over it. You'll be so precious! Mistress will lace you tight into your corset, snugging your waist in tight. You'll be the prettiest princess in pink! Mistress also has a gift for you. A little pink feather duster. And when you get to the party, you'll offer to dust any of those hard to reach corners for the host. But you don't get to hold the duster in your hands. Oh, no. You have to hold it in your mouth and crawl around on your hands and knees to dust anything the party hosts wants. Now, here's the best part. Since you're dressed up in your garter belt, thigh highs, thong panties, and corset, you'll be playing the role of the little cocksucking slut for the night. If there's a cock that needs sucking, you'd better see to it. Mistress wants to have you leashed and collared, waiting by the front door of the party, and offering to suck every cock that comes in. You'll have to say, Please, sir, may I suck your cock? to every male guest. What a good little slut in pink. That will be your evening: wearing pink satin, cleaning up after the guests, and sucking any cock that needs attention. That's Mistress' little princess. Her cock sucking slave. Her little fuck toy.
I Lay down below you. My light green blanket caresses my skin. My head placed upon a red stain pillow. I start to touch myself. I talk about how soft and smooth my flesh is. How good I feel. Then, I start to play with my pussy. You get to watch my face as I get closer and closer to orgasm. My cheeks redden, my skin flushes a bit. This video shows multiple orgasms, from fingering myself, and using my hitachi.
It was so easy to get your credit card before you left for work this morning. Valentine's Day is only a few days away and it makes Me feel extra greedy! I am going to tease you by telling you about all the plans I just made for Me and your credit card. I am going to spend spend spend. Swipe swipe swipe. I know you have a very high limit on this card. I'm going to get it so close to being maxed out or maybe I will just MAX it out so I can feel like a shopping Queen today! I even made reservations for my sister and best friend to join Me at the very expensive restaurant I love downtown hahaha It's going to be an AMAZING fun fulled day for Me. Have fun at work today. I'll tell you all the details and show you what i bought when I get back home
Carrie is horny and is needs to blow off some steam before going out for carrie-oke :) Her friend purchased a custom masturbation lip so win-win
Today we are going to try something new. You are going to close your eyes and consume me. Doesn't that make your cock twitch. What will you be consuming? You cant wait to please your mistress. Make her smile. Show your utmost devotion to her. Well then close your eyes and open wide you nasty fuck. I have a treat. Yes a treat. Anything I produce for you is a treat. Anything off my body is a treat for you lowlife. Open wide and eat this pube cupcake. Suck it off my fingers. Earn your devotion to me











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