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п»їWhat Is The BitCoin Mempool?

The BitCoin Mempool is the storage area for all pending BitCoin transactions. Here's how it works. When you perform a transaction, it is first transmitted and verified by the available BitCoin nodes. Upon verification completion, it then goes into the Mempool (Memory Pool). The transaction waits in the pool until the next available BitCoin miner processes it into the next available BitCoin block.

Every node has a different rendition of the transactions waiting to be processed due to the fact that these nodes have different RAM storage capacities. This also explains the different numbers of transactions found within each pool.

Due to the limited RAM available for each pool, the node allocates transactions according to their size by applying a minimal fee threshold. Transactions with fees per kB that are lower than the threshold are instantly removed from the Mempool and only new transactions with a fee per kB large enough are given access to the Mempool.

Also whenever a node gets a new valid block of transactions, it removes and processes all the transactions contained within that block from its Mempool. The Mempool size will of course sharply decrease in preparation for a new block of transactions.

The BitCoin Mempool and Bitcoin Improvement Proposals.

Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs) are the design documents created for introducing features or information to the Bitcoin protocol. These proposals are the standard way of conveying ideas since Bitcoin, being open-source, has no formal structure.

The BitCoin Mempool is a part of the BIP 35 Bitcoin Improvement Proposal. The proposal can be easily found on the Github website. This technology also helps SPV wallets (lightweight client wallets) record and maintain transactions across the network.

The BitCoin Mempool and Simplified Payment Verification.

SPV wallets play a very important role in BitCoin transactions. SPV is the acronym for "Simplified Payment Verification". This is a Bitcoin protocol feature that is usually implemented in client wallets. It allows the creation of "lightweight" bitcoin wallet clients.

These types of wallets that do not need to download the entire BitCoin BlockChain in order to work. This makes it possible to install an SPV wallet onto your mobile phones, tablet or any other device that has limited space.

The BitCoin Mempool vs Transaction Speed.

The overall speed of processing transactions over the network is determined by the rate of mining new blocks of transactions verses the rate of new transactions arriving into the Mempool.

If the rate of mining new blocks of transactions ever becomes lower than the rate of new transactions arriving into the Mempool, then you will have what is considered a "bottleneck" situation. In this scenario, transactions can take a longer time to get approved. This is of course dependent on the transaction size and the attached fee.

BitCoin Mempool Analysis.

For a visual analysis (filled with real-time charts) of the BitCoin Mempool, you can go to the BitCoin Ticker website ( This is one of the places where you can go to analyze the overall health of the BitCoin network.

In the charts, you can view the current Mempool size, the number of node connections, the speed of transactions, the total number of BitCoins processed and the latest transactions. Understanding the statistical data displayed is important to anyone who is interested in the world of BitCoins.


BitCoins are still (relatively speaking) in the infancy stage. As technology improves, these advancements will improve the BitCoin infrastructure which will lead to even faster transactions across the BitCoin Mempool. At this current rate, there will soon come a time when BitCoin transactions can be verified almost instantly from anywhere in the world.

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п»їWeirdest Things Sold on Ebay

#15 Woman Sells Right to Name Her Baby
When Melissa Heuschkel couldn't decide what to name her fourth child, she turned to the auction site eBay. Golden Palace casino won the bid for $15,500. The baby was named Golden Palace Benedetto. Early 2005.

#14 Man Tries to Sell His Liver on Ebay
A man from Florida put his organ up for sale on Ebay. The bid went as high as $5.7 million before eBay pulled it from its site. Stating it's illegal to sell body parts on Ebay.

#13 JFK Shooters Window
Up for auction for the first time, the actual window and frame from the shooter's nest on the 6th floor of the Dallas Texas School Book Depository where Lee Harvey Oswald fired off those fatal shots that took the life of our 35th President of the United States - John F. Kennedy. 188 bids the winning bid was $3,001,501.00. February 16th 2007.

#12 Pretend Monster in a Childs Closet
A pretend monster that was in someone's child's closet. This was so the little one would be able to sleep at night. Details unkown.

#11 Ghost in a Jar
Yes, a ghost. In a jar. Well, why not? The ghost was, apparently, terrorising, the man who owned it, and so he decided to capture it and sell it on eBay to someone who might be able to give it a better home. By Jeff Cohen.

#10 Doritos Cheese Pope Hat
Golden Palace casino was at it again when they won this auction. There were 34 bids when Golden Palace bid $1,209 to win the auction. March 23, 2005.

#9 Britney Spears Chewed Gum
Someone picked up Britney Spears? Chewed gum at a London hotel and decided it'd be a great thing to sell on eBay. Oddly enough, they were right? They got $263 for it. A Britney fan probably has it framed in their house. By Jeff Cohen.

#8 Jesus Toast
The Seller accidentally burnt a piece of toast. Before he could throw it away, he noticed the face of Jesus on the toast. Starting bid was $.99 with a buy it now price at $200. Unfortunately no one bid on this item.

#7 Britney Spears Half Eaten Sandwich
Golden Palace Casino has purchased many weird things, like a half eaten egg salad sandwich which they purchased for $500 also for an additional $20 they also purchased a nibbled on corn dog by Spears' ex husband Kevin Federline.

#6 Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Sandwich
A seller offered a grilled cheese sandwich upon which the Virgin Mary had appeared to her and the strange thing is, she genuinely seemed to believe it. This item, unbelievably, sold for $28,000. Some people just have too much money to waste, don't they? By Jeff Cohen.

#5 The Internet
If people can sell plots of land on the moon, then why can't someone sell the Internet? Someone did just that, for the bargain asking price of $1 million. Of course, it was all just a gag and it's unlikely that this Pay Pal transaction ever went through. But still, it would have been the deal of the century-the buyer was even throwing in free Internet access. By Rob Lee.

#4 18 Year Old British Girl's Virginity
An 18-year-old British girl sold her virginity on eBay? but it was bought by a businessman who kindly agreed to give her the money without actually taking the service. By Jeff Cohen.

#3 Wedding Dress
Nothing strange about selling a wedding dress, you might think? But this was the guy's ex-wife's wedding dress. And he modelled it, as well as writing a long screed about his ex-wife in the description. It sold for 3,850. By Jeff Cohen.

#2 U.S. Navy F/A-18A Hornet
A state brokerage in Virginia sold a U.S. Navy F/A-18A Hornet jet fighter on eBay for just over a million dollars. It was, unfortunately, in pieces and so unusable, but they offered to put it back together and make it ready to fly for the low, low price of just another $9 million. By Jeff Cohen.

#1 Broken Laser Pointer
The beginning of Ebay, the first auction ever. Pierre Omidyar wrote the code that evolved into what we know today as Ebay. Originally called AuctionWeb and hosted on the same server as Pierre's page about the ebola virus, the site began with the listing of a single broken laser pointer around September 1995. Though Pierre had intended the listing to be a test more than a serious offer to sell at auction, he was shocked when the item sold for $14.83.

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