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I start my just rubbing myself over my panties, but I need more and switch to the Hitachi. I bring myself closer and closer to the brink and then stop, getting steadily more frustrated until I can't take it anymore and just have at it!
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That is My money loser. Mine.The only reason you work is so you can afford My time. I will rinse you completely and still be bored with you . Do you think I give a fuck if that was all you made this month ? Its not My issue that you have a half ass job and cant afford to please Me. I want it , and if I dont get it all then you can be sure that I am not impressed. you worship Me bitch , time to pay up
Gagged and alone I ride my favourite 10inch friend to orgasm
I want you to make my pussy yours and tell you how much I want you inside me and how I want to cum all over your cock and have you cum deep inside me
Watch me slowly strip and put Lotion, Glitter Oil, Baby Oil, AND cum lube on my belly button and tummy as well as my boobies and bum! Mostly the belly though!!I also play with my belly button a little and just focus on my tummy
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Brand new custom video.. this is a particular fetish video using only the word cunt instead of pussy.. I'm ok with using this term on a body part in dirty talk but not calling a person unless of course I'm really really really angry.. ha ha..I also do a bit of gagging on my newest toy.. I have a strong gag reflex so can't really deepthroat terribly deep or throatfuck. I do my best to show closeups of my 'cunt' spread as much as I can. enjoy
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