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I love fingering my tight pussy my juices are finger licking good!!!
In this Video, I just finished filming a longer burp video and I still have some burps left! I decide to start filming up close <3I blow most of the burps towards the camera, Its a cute little video especially if you like burps
In this one i'm wearing some hot white stockings with black dots and a fluffy kitty hat. I'm touching myself until I cum using my black vibrator and the pink wired one.
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I use my big black knuckle busting dildo to fuck my pink pussy! My big black dildo looks so good compared with my pale creamy skin.
Short and simple clip, a shrunken guy finds himself next to a gigantic Peachy! He explores her body briefly while she reads her manga, unaware that he's there. Ends with him falling in between her cheeks!More SFX to come, just something we tried and decided to upload. Looking forward to doing more in the future :)!
She got a massive facial and some a pretty good deepthroat lesson
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I combine two of my favorite past times- getting naked and hiking- into one. Nature and I are one during this naughty hike through the lush forest.
Watch me on my blue dress having fun with my glass dildo till i squirt
i break into the house of Sablique VonLux to steal whatever i can find, and i notice there's a big wad of cash hiding behind the couch. i wedge myself down in there to grab it, but i get stuck! when suddenly, Sablique returns to find my big ass sticking up in the air! she is none too pleased to find me trying to steal from her, and threatens to call the police. i beg her not to, so she decides to punish me with spankings instead! she bends me over her knee and spanks my big bottom, first over my jeans, then over my panties, and finally pulls down my panties to make my big round rump completely red. it is super sore, but also super sexy, to be punished by such a hot, dominating, and erotic woman when she's done brutalizing my juicy butt, she lets me leave. . .but she keeps my pants! you're going to love this steamy spanking clip
I fuck my pussy hard with a glass dildo till i squirt
Creamy closeups of toys includedI finish myself off with pillow-humping to orgasm
On vacation I never have time to cum because people are always around so I excused myself stating that I had to get ready for that evening. Truthfully I just needed to find something to help me cum. This time I found it in the form of a curling iron! It was perfect, just what I needed. And my tits were so full that I had to squeeze them and get some milk out too! My nipples are so sensitive and needed to be played with!
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Dear John, I have a naughty secret, I have secretly been seeing somebody else, I am over how you treat me.. remember all those days I was working late? Going to the gym, well I have been hooking up with someone else. It's over sorry.. Watch as my new lover walks in the cam and I show you what you're going to miss. I get his cock all slobbery and lick it up and down. Watch as I take him all the way into my mouth and look up at the camera so you can see me for one last time. I lick his shaft allover up and down, watch as we talk to you during the video and laugh about how it sucks to be you. Do you hate the fact that I let him cum allover my face and I never let you? does it suck to watch this? I bet it does... (This is my first attempt at POV and a little more roleplay. Majority of this video is POV and ends in a nice cum facial up close to my face. It is also the first time you will see me swallow cum!)
I walk about so you get some upskirt, then I suck cock.I lay on the bed and play with my shaved pussy and my big boobs before getting fucked on my hands and knees
THIS IS A CUSTOM CLIP, PLEASE EMAIL ME DIRECTLY IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR OWN CUSTOM VIDEO (Find email at the top of the page)The premise: POV-style where you're talking to the viewer (camera can be set up in one spot for the whole thing - across from you in the living room - you're at a coffee table/couch). So in this one just like before, you're the viewers wife and you're expecting company - your best friend (Angelina) is coming over any minute. But before she arrives, you want to let your hubby (the viewer) know that while you two were getting pedicures the other day, you mentioned something you probably shouldn’t have – you let it slip that he was collecting videos for reflexology research. Of course, your friend said that sounds like bullshit... she said it sounds more like you stumbled across the private stash of a major foot fetishist, but you told her that’s just plain silly. Anyway she'll be here in any minute so you just wanted him to know in case the subject comes up. (haha)Just then, DING DONG you get up to answer the door (its her) and you both come back to sit across from him on the couch. After quickie hello how are you?...your friend starts in with some playful teasing Hey do you like this new anklet (or toe ring) I picked up?... how about my toenail color? etc She's got her shoes off and soles up on the table in no time. (Important: your feet are not visible at this point) You try to change the conversation but your friend steamrolls right along. Friend asks Do you think I have pretty feet? I heard some guys are into feet but you wouldnt know anything about that, would you? You try a few times to change the subject, insisting that these are for reflexology research purposes but quickly you give up because your friend isn't buying it.Then your friend says Well I did a little research of my own and read that most foot fetish guys are jerk off addicts - they get hard for ANY pretty feet they see. I bet its true - Look! He's already hard! You say Oh no, thats NOT true. He would never get hard for feet. Thats just plain silly Your friend says Well I'll bet hes got a raging boner right now from looking at MY feet. I know he wants to stroke to em. Oooh he's throbbing! Look how much he loves my little soles - he's so hard for me right now. You insist that he's not hard - thats just how those pants fit him. Your friend says Well lets see... let him unzip and show us if he's hard or not You reluctantly ask the viewer you unzip /pull his pants down to see.Of course, the verdict is that he's hard. You groan with embarrassment (you're annoyed - you believed that he only thought your feet were sexy). Your friend is so excited: I knew it! Oh my god, look how nice and hard that is for my feet! I never realized my little feet were SO SEXY! See... he loves MY feet. My little toes were getting him so turned on! Can you stroke it for me? Let me see you stroke it! You say No, don't make him to do that! Stop teasing him! Get your feet off my table! Don't listen to her. You better not! You tell him not to but your friend is really teasing him hard and doing nonstop stroking hand gestures. This goes on for a little while - you saying no, you better not - telling your friend to stop doing this to him, its not right - your friend encouraging and teasing the hell out of him.And of course, he starts stroking. You groan again with embarrassment (I dont believe this! How could you do this!) Your friend is super excited and keeps egging him on, keep going. Frustrated, you put your bare feet on the table and say How could you get hard for her feet when mine are so much prettier? Look at mine - thats right, stroke to mine not hers. Dont look at hers! Your friend No mine are prettier! and this goes on a little while - both of you trying to out tease the other. Then your friend says Im gonna count him down! Ten.... You say - no one counts him down but ME! Nine.... Your friend: Eight... You: Seven... (etc... alternating all the way down to you saying One) And at the end, he explodes and you both bicker, each taking credit for it - still arguing over who has the nicer feet. Fade out
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Wet and dirty. Watch him play with me while I bounce on his dick with my messy pussy ;)
I am the tin woman! At least for now, while I wrap myself in crinkly sounding, shiny tin foil.*No talking in this video
This is cum slut videos #1 & #2 both videos are older videos that are filmed in different angles whether it be full up and down view on a cell phone.Here I am being a good little cum dumpster begging and showing my appreciation for you filling me up with your cum.Older videos are priced low because quality is not hd and not full screen
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Lots of tears, drool, spit and moaning as I see how long I can go with my dildo in my throat. Breathplay and deepthroating for as long as possible
A quick JOI/Brainfuck video for I did for a client named Gary, focusing on my lips and boobs. The tra nce state is extremely mild in this one
Dani Maye is the High School Slut, and lucky for you that you go to the same school.all filmed from the guys POV so it seems like you are actually getting to fuck Danielle Maye. Both in the sixth form common room and you catch Danielles eye, well she actually catches you staring at her lovely big tits and you can see that she loves the attention. She is dressed as the naughty sixth former. You start talking and introduce yourselves, before you know it somehow you get talking about fucking, blowjobs and your favourite, titwanks. Dani says how she has never given a titwank. Danielle is turned on with all the sex talk and starts to strip, slowly and teasing. With your cock rock hard she gets it out and gives it a sloppy blowjob. The big slut comes out as she dirty talks about all the filthy things she wants to do to you.Wanking your cock with her tits, all wet and sloppy and dirty talking. With that cock as wet as her pussy she slides it in.
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You have been flirting with Lacie for a while and she can tell you want this to go further, but she has a few stipulations for continuing the relationship. She wants you locked in chastity, for starters, so she can control when and how you orgasm. And then, she wants you to watch her fuck other men. Maybe she'll let you out of chastity someday and let you enjoy, but for now, this is how it'll work.
This is a very rare occasion to catch me on film sucking my man. He is a shy guy and i got at least twice more video of the lock ness monster than him, I suck him until he is hard, then when the action get hotter he fuck my face and i deepthroat him. Some gagging action! And at the end i swallow it all like the good girl i am
my very first video i made. i swallow every drop.
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Have you applied to join my stable and received either no response or a firm no? Watch this to find out why and what you can do to improve for next time
Bunny takes advantage of me in a disgusting gas station bathroom on our way back from a convention. People bang on the door but she doesn't stop. She makes me eat her yummy pussy and finger her until she cums
(Jahr 2011) Sklave Bernd hangt hilflos ausgeliefert an den Ketten, bereit die sich langsam steigernden Qualen (Nadeln, Peitschenhiebe, Nippelfolter, Kerzenwachs) zu ertragen, nach denen es Lady Vampira gelustet. / (Year 2011) Slave Bernd hangs helplessly delivered on the chains to bear ready the torments (Needles, Whipping, Niplletorture, Waxplay) slowly increasing itself, after which it lusted lady Vampira.
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Silk Glove Fetish, Hand Job, tit wank, sucking balls, messy blowjob, red lipstick covered cock, hardcore gagging to completion, CIM, messy spunk shot
Custom Vid- No name used- Video Series. You are just home from your sex therapy session, you walk in the door barely enough time to remove your mask and you hear a knock at the door . You ask who it is and it's your parole officer, Rae Knight, filling in as a temporary officer for the county. She tells you that it's an unplanned visit and to open the door You open it and to your surprise she is dressed in a black cropped top, leather mini skirt and heels. She asks you to sit down and she must go over your parole stipulations. She begins ready a long list of don'ts including no d3ugs or al3oh0l, attend all therapy sessions, pay $10,000,9:30 curfew, d3ug testing, urine testing. You begin getting irritated with the long list of things you can't do and tell her what is she going to do? She can't even carry a gun in that tiny little outfit!!! Get out before I fuck your thighs!!! She tells you to get some manners before she orders you to strip down to nothing and to fuck her thighs making sure you stick your dickhead through with each pump. She begins teasing you with her lilac thigh high, lilac bra, 6 strap black garter and sexy heels. Your dick starts getting rock hard....your impulses to fuck thighs kicks into overdrive and you give in and start thigh fucking your parole officer!!! You cum all over her stockings and beg for a satin glove handjob to sooth that raw, sore cock....but she refuses and instead smashes your cock and balls with her stiletto!!! That will teach your to get confrontational with me!!!! ENJOY
Watch as I rub tanning lotion all over May naked body, then twerk inside the bed, until finally I finger myself. I love naughty, public fun
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Queen Sofia and I are having a wonderful slumber party and you are invited! There will be lots of mind altering substances at this party though, can you handle it? First we'll start you off with some pops, they'll make you nice and loose. Queen Sofia will make you sniff them until you feel that instant first high followed by me giving you a shot of patron!! Everytime I say a certain word you'll take another shot because this is supposed to be FUN! We are so beautiful and as you get more and more intoxicated, you lose touch with reality slowly but surely. We continue to feed you shots and pops until you are the most fucked up you can possibly be. Then we wreak havoc on your wallet and your holes. That was the real reason you are here with us, so we could relax your ass and make you take a GIANT thirteen inch dildo up inside of it. We wanted you fucked up so you'll send us everything we want financially...but don't worry you won't remember any of this in the morning...until you go to sit down or buy anything
Waking up in the morning and wanting to play, I test out my buttplug and new dildo.... then both at the same time.
PART 2 YOU MUST BUY PART 1 FOR FULL EXPERIENCE Your innocent little sister is browsing her phone on the couch when she realizes her pussy is wet and she has some urges she needs to deal with. She starts looking at sexy pictures online and slowly starts rubbing her young pussy through her shorts. Realizing this isn't enough she grabs the brush next to her and pulls her shorts aside, going to put it inside her. Oh no! She sees you and runs to her room... will you get to watch any more? Oh yes, because little do you know, she will fantasize about showing you how she was going to please herself. She'll try on a couple outfits in the mirror, including yoga pants, but decide on a sexy matching set. She'll show you every way she pleasures that tight little pussy. Your little sister might be young, but she isn't as innocent as you thought. You'll watch her put not one but TWO brushes inside her on the couch and cum all over them twice. She tells you she's been doing this for years and explains there's another method that no one knows about that she does all the time: the bath tub. She excitedly brings you into the bathroom to show you what Mom and Dad don't know about. The water makes that little pussy cum three times and she begs you to cum with her on the last one. It's a delicious experience you'll never forget
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Daddy wanted his sexy girl wearing Lingerie and High Boots.After an intense session of sex, his little girl is exhausted, still laying face down at bed (as she had been fucked and buttpluged).She can not move her body, she's almost dreaming.So he take the camera and record that hot view for you.Her limp body exposed, ready to be used a little more.You can see her skinny back covered with warm cum, a great close up view of her wide open dripping pussy, and her tight asshole.
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Mindi Mink is sitting on her bed when Prinzzess comes in with a huge strap-on. Prinzzess is dressed in some really skimpy lingerie. Prinzzess really wants to try a strap-on with her girlfriend but wants to try and convince Mindi to let her try it out on her first.Mindi is a little shy at first but then her and Prinzzess start kissing. Mindi is a sucker for Prinzzess kisses, they start undressing each other and kissing. Mindi is rather convinced at this point so she goes down on Prinzzess and starts eating her out. Mindi Mink is eating out Prinzzess on the bed after some sensual teasing. I love your pussy Mindi says as Prinzzess cums. Prinzzess turns Mindi over and starts rubbing on Mindis pussy, teasing her. Prinzzess pulls out her huge strap-on to continue to try and convince Mindi to let her use it on her.Mindi is still hesitant but is easily convinced when Prinzzess starts eating her out. Prinzzess teases Mindis pussy with the strap-on, rubbing it on her clit. Mindi caves and lets Prinzzess shove the strap-on deep inside of her. Prinzzess is a professional with a strap-on, she starts fucking Mindi harder and harder. Mindi didn't realize how much she loved being fucked by a huge strap-on and gets really into it, shoving the dildo deeper and deeper until she cums.
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