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Football is the most popular gameon the planet. Interest massive.
Hundreds of millions of fans watch matches of favorite teams.
Attention rising planned.
Of course for the specified sport you can make a bet in a bookmaker's
office. Quickly tell development of football.
Development of discipline
Football appeared in antiquity. Disciplines with a ball in demand among inhabitants of many states.
They were used in:
• Ancient China;
• Ancient Greece;
• Ancient Rome.
Italians improved discipline. During the Middle Ages they created the game "Calcio".
With the growth trade relations, it came to the United Kingdom.
Interest in discipline formed instantly. By Level of Interest "Calcio" beaten cricket.
First rules
Popularity among viewers appeared not by chance. Game captivated with its dynamism.
Passion on the field were serious. Such a scenario allowed rules
of football:
1. 2 teams.
2. 25 people each.
3. 15 forwards.
4. Permission to fistfights.
English created their rules. At first game didn't unify.
In some places allowed to throw ball with hands, in others
The first attempt to unification was made in 1846.
Cases demanded momentary response. Representatives from different colleges entered the field on the field during the competition. Each
player acted in accordance with known to himrules.
Result did not inspire optimism. However, athletes were fix a single regulations.
First standardization became positive. Participation viewers intensified.
According to the results in England there was the first special club.
Roster renamed "Sheffield". It happened in 1857.
In 1863 formed The Football Association of England. It quickly adopted a standard code of norms
Phased improvement
Gradually the game developed. Created conditions for the stadium.
Approved dimensions of the gate.
Important year became 1871. Then appeared the FA Cup. Championship - oldest in the class.
1891 - year appearances in football kick from 11 meters.
However, from current specified strike is. Now take penalties from fixed spot.
Earlier penetration was done from the line.
Game improved. Love grew. As a result in the 1880s, the number of teams exceeded 100 pieces.
In society began arise rumors. Many athletes felt that certain teams pay members salary.
At that time sports could be only amateur. As a result
norms changed. They introduced a clause prohibiting athletes have a salary.
Started wave denunciations. Teams accused each other.
Some clubs left the championship. After time requirement cancelled.
International development
Growth of trade increased penetration of football to other countries.
Following the results game started regulated at the international level.
FIFA originated in beginning of the last century.
At the start organization included 7 countries.
Unified norms on equipment was. Players was required to wear:
• headdress;
• shoes;
• long stockings;
• pants.
Normal established later. Initially athletes played without license plates.
They appeared only in 1939.
First international championship held at the beginning of the last century.
Football added to the Olympiad. Participated total England,
France, Belgium.
Football flourished in the middle of the last century.
On the planet started playing Pele, Yashin and other players.
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Development of discipline
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First rules
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2. 25 people each.
3. 15 forwards.
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English created their rules. At first game didn't unify.
In some places allowed to throw ball with hands, in others
The first attempt to unification was made in 1846.
Cases demanded momentary response. Representatives from different colleges entered the field on the field during the competition. Each
player acted in accordance with known to himrules.
Result did not inspire optimism. However, athletes were fix a single regulations.
First standardization became positive. Participation viewers intensified.
According to the results in England there was the first special club.
Roster renamed "Sheffield". It happened in 1857.
In 1863 formed The Football Association of England. It quickly adopted a standard code of norms
Phased improvement
Gradually the game developed. Created conditions for the stadium.
Approved dimensions of the gate.
Important year became 1871. Then appeared the FA Cup. Championship - oldest in the class.
1891 - year appearances in football kick from 11 meters.
However, from current specified strike is. Now take penalties from fixed spot.
Earlier penetration was done from the line.
Game improved. Love grew. As a result in the 1880s, the number of teams exceeded 100 pieces.
In society began arise rumors. Many athletes felt that certain teams pay members salary.
At that time sports could be only amateur. As a result
norms changed. They introduced a clause prohibiting athletes have a salary.
Started wave denunciations. Teams accused each other.
Some clubs left the championship. After time requirement cancelled.
International development
Growth of trade increased penetration of football to other countries.
Following the results game started regulated at the international level.
FIFA originated in beginning of the last century.
At the start organization included 7 countries.
Unified norms on equipment was. Players was required to wear:
• headdress;
• shoes;
• long stockings;
• pants.
Normal established later. Initially athletes played without license plates.
They appeared only in 1939.
First international championship held at the beginning of the last century.
Football added to the Olympiad. Participated total England,
France, Belgium.
Football flourished in the middle of the last century.
On the planet started playing Pele, Yashin and other players.
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